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Forum adresimize hoş geldin FiveMTürk olarak amacımız siz değerli kullanıcılarımıza en aktif fikir ve paylaşım platformu sunmak bir yana en güvenilir şekilde alışveriş yapabileceğiniz bir platform sunmaktır.


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FT Kullanıcı
4 yıl 2 ay 5 gün
Depoya e bastığımda açılmıyor , yardımcı olursanız çok memnun olurum.

43112 ,

m3 envanter kullanıyorum bu arada
İlgili kod satırını da konuya eklersen konuyu onaylayabilirim.
İlgili kod satırını da konuya eklersen konuyu onaylayabilirim.
Config = {}
Config.OpenControl = 289 -- Key for opening inventory. Edit html/js/config.js to change key for closing it.
Config.TrunkAndGloveboxOpenControl = 47

Config.UseLimit = false
Config.UseWeight = true

-- List of item names that will close ui when used
Config.CloseUiItems = {"wallet", "fishingrod", "radio", "notepad", "licenseplate", "lockpick", "mdt"}

Config.UnlistedAccountsList = {"bank"}

Config.Shops = {
    ['Polis Marketi'] = {
        coords = {vector3(452.22, -980.29, 30.69)},
        items = {
            { name = "WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL", price = 0 },
            { name = "WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK", price = 0 },
            { name = "WEAPON_SMG", price = 0 },
            { name = "WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN", price = 0 },
            { name = "WEAPON_STUNGUN", price = 0 },
            { name = "disc_ammo_pistol", price = 0 },
            { name = "disc_ammo_smg", price = 0 },
            { name = "phone", price = 50 },
            { name = "sandwich", price = 1 },
            { name = "water", price = 1 },
            { name = "armour", price = 50 },
            { name = "bodycam", price = 0},
            { name = "gps", price = 0},
            { name = "radio", price = 10},
            { name = "mdt", price = 0},
            { name = "ifak", price = 20},
            { name = "bandage", price = 40},
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = false,
        msg = 'Markete erişmek için ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ tuşuna basınız.', --or '[E] - İlaçlar',
        blip = false, --{id = 15, scale = 0.5, color = 1, title = 'İlaç Deposu'},
        job = {'police'}
    ['GunShop'] = {
        coords = {vector3(21.37, -1107.13, 29.8)},
        items = {
            { name = "WEAPON_BAT", price = 2000 },
            { name = "WEAPON_BAT", price = 2000 },
            { name = "WEAPON_KNIFE", price = 5000 },
            { name = "armour", price = 100 },
            { name = "lockpick", price = 70 },
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = 'Silah marketine erismek icin E tusuna basiniz.', --or '[E] - İlaçlar',
        blip = {id = 110, scale = 0.5, color = 1, title = 'Silahçı'},
        job = {'all'}
    ['Uyuşturucu'] = {
        coords = {vector3(381.89, -816.56, 29.3)},
        items = {
            { name = "highgradefemaleseed", price = 550 },
            { name = "highgrademaleseed", price = 550 },
            { name = "highgradefert", price = 100 },
            { name = "lowgradefert", price = 50 },
            { name = "purifiedwater", price = 10},
            { name = "wateringcan", price = 100},
            { name = "plantpot", price = 200},
            { name = "weed", price = 20},
            { name = "marul", price = 100},
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = 'E.', --or '[E] - İlaçlar',
        blip = false,
        job = {'bb'}
    ['Meth'] = {
        coords = {vector3(1011.33, -3195.57, -38.99)},
        items = {
            { name = "meth", price = 550 },
            { name = "meth_pooch", price = 1000},
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = '[E]', --or '[E] - İlaçlar',
        blip = false,
        job = {'is'}
    ['BB Shop'] = {
        coords = {vector3(376.97, -828.09, 29.3)},
        items = {
            { name = "beer", price = 20 },
            { name = "chips", price = 2 },
            { name = "chocolate", price = 5 },
            { name = "choped_sarap", price = 50 },
            { name = "cigarett", price = 5},
            { name = "cola", price = 2},
            { name = "cupcake", price = 10},
            { name = "energy", price = 5},
            { name = "vodka", price = 50},
            { name = "icetea", price = 10},
            { name = "lighter", price = 10},
            { name = "rollingpaper", price = 10},
            { name = "megaxhamburger", price = 50},
            { name = "m", price = 10},
            { name = "l", price = 10},
            { name = "xl", price = 10},
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = 'E.', --or '[E] - İlaçlar',
        blip = {id = 140, scale = 0.6, color = 1, title = 'BBShop'},
        job = {'all'}
    ['Thermite'] = {
        coords = {vector3(-1571.73, -469.48, 36.25)},
        items = {
            { name = "WEAPON_PISTOL", price = 55000 },
            { name = "WEAPON_SNSPISTOL", price = 60000 },
            { name = "WEAPON_APPISTOL", price = 150000 },
            { name = "WEAPON_HEAVYPISTOL", price = 150000 },
            { name = "WEAPON_MACHINEPISTOL", price = 190000},
            { name = "WEAPON_MINISMG", price = 190000},
            { name = "WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN", price = 20000},
            { name = "WEAPON_COMPACTRIFLE", price = 250000},
            { name = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE", price = 250000},
            { name = "WEAPON_MOLOTOV", price = 30000},
            { name = "disc_ammo_pistol", price = 100},
            { name = "disc_ammo_rifle", price = 250},
            { name = "disc_ammo_smg", price = 200},
            { name = "disc_ammo_shotgun", price = 200},
            { name = "lockpick", price = 100},
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = 'E.', --or '[E] - İlaçlar',
        blip = false,
        job = {'lumberjack'}
    ['Market'] = {
        coords = {
            vector3(25.95, -1347.27, 29.5),
            vector3(373.875, 325.896, 103.566),
            vector3(2557.458, 382.282, 106.622),
            vector3(-3038.939, 585.954, 7.908),
            vector3(-3241.927, 1001.462, 12.830),
            vector3(547.431, 2671.710, 42.156),
            vector3(1961.464, 3740.672, 32.343),
            vector3(2678.916, 3280.671, 55.241),
            vector3(1729.563, 6414.126, 36.037),
            vector3(-48.519, -1757.514, 29.421),
            vector3(1163.373, -323.801, 68.205),
            vector3(-707.501, -914.260, 19.215),
            vector3(-1820.523, 792.518, 138.118),
            vector3(1698.388, 4924.404, 42.063),
            vector3(1135.808, -982.281, 46.415),
            vector3(-1222.915, -906.983, 12.326),
            vector3(-1487.553, -379.107, 40.163),
            vector3(-2968.243, 390.910, 15.043),
            vector3(1166.024, 2708.930, 38.157),
            vector3(1392.562, 3604.684, 34.980)
        items = {
            { name = "sandwich", price = 4 },
            { name = "cupcake", price = 4 },
            { name = "chocolate", price = 1 },
            { name = "hamburger", price = 7 },
            { name = "chips", price = 3 },
            { name = "cigarett", price = 2 },
            { name = "lighter", price = 3 },
            { name = "energy", price = 4 },
            { name = "soda", price = 5 },
            { name = "water", price = 3 },
            { name = "cola", price = 5 },
            { name = "icetea", price = 3 },
            { name = "phone", price = 100 },
            { name = "radio", price = 50 },
            { name = "whisky", price = 12 },
            { name = "beer", price = 12 },
            { name = "kan", price = 50 },
            { name = "bandage", price = 100 },
            { name = "contract", price = 200 },
            { name = "fishingrod", price = 100 },
            { name = "fishbait", price = 10 },
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg =  '[E] - Market',
        blip = {id = 59, scale = 0.5, color = 2, title = 'Market'},
        job = {'all'}
    ['EMS Market'] = {
        coords = {
            vector3(304.66, -599.24, 43.28)
        items = {
            { name = "bandage", price = 0 },
            { name = "medikit", price = 0 },
            { name = "phone", price = 25 },
            { name = "radio", price = 5 },
            { name = "sandwich", price = 1 },
            { name = "water", price = 1 },
            { name = "armour", price = 50 },
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg =  '[E] - EMS Market',
        blip = false, --{id = 59, scale = 0.5, color = 2, title = 'Market'},
        job = {'ambulance'}

Config.Stashs = {
    ['PD Deposu'] = {
        coords = {vector3(461.46, -980.11, 30.69)},
        useMarker = true,
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = '[E] - PD Deposu',
        job = 'police',
        maxweight = 100000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
    ['Kajman Depo'] = {
        coords = {vector3(-1145.28, -1514.24, 10.63)},
        useMarker = true,
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = '[E] - Kajman Depo',
        job = 'bb',
        maxweight = 1000000000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
    ['BB Kasa'] = {
        coords = {vector3(376.85, -823.9, 29.3)},
        useMarker = true,
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = '[E] - BB Kasa',
        job = 'bb',
        maxweight = 1000000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
    ['Thermite Kasa'] = {
        coords = {vector3(-1569.86, -469.86, 36.25)},
        useMarker = true,
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = '[E] - Thermite Kasa',
        job = 'lumberjack',
        maxweight = 1000000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
    ['Malikane 1'] = {
        coords = {vector3(-1531.69, 142.87, 55.67)},
        useMarker = true,
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = '[E] - Depoya eris',
        job = 'aile1',
        maxweight = 100000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
    ['Depo'] = {
        coords = {vector3(-1380.31, -466.23, 72.04)},
        useMarker = true,
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = '[E] - Depoya eriş',
        job = 'is',
        maxweight = 100000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
    ['Sams Deposu'] = {
        coords = {vector3(306.51, -601.44, 43.28)},
        useMarker = true,
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = '[E] - Sams Deposu',
        job = 'ambulance',
        maxweight = 100000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
    ['Mekanik1'] = {
        coords = {vector3(-196.05, -1340.0, 34.9)},
        useMarker = true,
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = '[E] - Mekanik Deposu',
        job = 'mechanic',
        maxweight = 100000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
    ['Motel'] = {
        coords = {vector3(-99.9, -99.9, -99.9)},
        useMarker = false,
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = '[E] - Motel Deposu',
        job = 'all',
        maxweight = 200 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line

Config.DeleteDrops = {
    Enabled = true,
    Time = 300 --second

Config.VehicleTrunkOrGloveboxItems = { --if your item table in the database has a weight column, you don't need to enter the items here --if u using default weapons(not item weapons), u can enter weapon names(like 'WEAPON_PISTOL')
    ['default'] = 0.2, --dont remove this line

    -- ['ambalaj'] = 0.02,

    -- ['WEAPON_PISTOL'] = 1.0,

Config.VehicleTrunks = { --if you set the value to 0, no inventory is opened in that class vehicle
    [0] = 3000, --Compact
    [1] = 5000, --Sedan
    [2] = 5000, --SUV
    [3] = 5000, --Coupes
    [4] = 5000, --Muscle
    [5] = 5000, --Sports Classics
    [6] = 5000, --Sports
    [7] = 5000, --Super
    [8] = 1000, --Motorcycles
    [9] = 5000, --Off-road
    [10] = 5000, --Industrial
    [11] = 5000, --Utility
    [12] = 5000, --Vans
    [13] = 5000, --Cycles
    [14] = 5000, --Boats
    [15] = 5000, --Helicopters
    [16] = 5000, --Planes
    [17] = 5000, --Service
    [18] = 5000, --Emergency
    [19] = 5000, --Military
    [20] = 5000, --Commercial
    [21] = 5000 --Trains

Config.VehicleGloveboxs = { --if you set the value to 0, no inventory is opened in that class vehicle
    [0] = 3, --Compact
    [1] = 5, --Sedan
    [2] = 5, --SUV
    [3] = 3, --Coupes
    [4] = 3, --Muscle
    [5] = 3, --Sports Classics
    [6] = 3, --Sports
    [7] = 3, --Super
    [8] = 0, --Motorcycles
    [9] = 5, --Off-road
    [10] = 5, --Industrial
    [11] = 5, --Utility
    [12] = 14, --Vans
    [13] = 0, --Cycles
    [14] = 0, --Boats
    [15] = 0, --Helicopters
    [16] = 0, --Planes
    [17] = 5, --Service
    [18] = 5, --Emergency
    [19] = 5, --Military
    [20] = 5, --Commercial
    [21] = 0 --Trains

Config.NotifTexts = {
    ['use'] = 'Kullanıldı',
    ['add'] = 'Eklendi',
    ['remove'] = 'Silindi',

Config.ItemWeapons = { --only working with disc-ammo
    Enabled = true,
    Throwables = {
        WEAPON_MOLOTOV = 615608432,
        WEAPON_GRENADE = -1813897027,
        WEAPON_STICKYBOMB = 741814745,
        WEAPON_PROXMINE = -1420407917,
        WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE = -37975472,
        WEAPON_PIPEBOMB = -1169823560,
        WEAPON_SNOWBALL = 126349499
    FuelCan = 883325847,

Config.WeaponLabels = { -- only used for non item weapons
    ['WEAPON_KNIFE'] = 'Bıçak',
    ['WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK'] = 'Jop',
    ['WEAPON_HAMMER'] = 'Çekiç',
    ['WEAPON_BAT'] = 'Beyzbol Sopası',
    ['WEAPON_GOLFCLUB'] = 'Golf Sopası',
    ['WEAPON_CROWBAR'] = 'Levye',
    ['WEAPON_PISTOL'] = 'Tabanca',
    ['WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL'] = 'Combat Pistol',
    ['WEAPON_APPISTOL'] = 'AP pistol',
    ['WEAPON_PISTOL_MK2'] = 'Pistol MK2',
    ['WEAPON_SMG_MK2'] = 'SMG MK2',
    ['WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2'] = 'Carbine Rifle MK2',
    ['WEAPON_PISTOL50'] = 'Pistol .50',
    ['WEAPON_MICROSMG'] = 'Micro SMG',
    ['WEAPON_SMG'] = 'SMG',
    ['WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG'] = 'Assault SMG',
    ['WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE'] = 'Assault Rifle',
    ['WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE'] = 'Carbine Rifle',
    ['WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE'] = 'Advanced Rifle',
    ['WEAPON_MG'] = 'MG',
    ['WEAPON_COMBATMG'] = 'Combat MG',
    ['WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN'] = 'Pump Shotgun',
    ['WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN'] = 'Sawed off Shotgun',
    ['WEAPON_ASSAULTSHOTGUN'] = 'Assault Shotgun',
    ['WEAPON_BULLPUPSHOTGUN'] = 'Bullpup Shotgun',
    ['WEAPON_STUNGUN'] = 'Taser',
    ['WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE'] = 'Sniper Rifle',
    ['WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER'] = 'Heavy Sniper',
    ['WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER'] = 'Grenade Launcher',
    ['WEAPON_RPG'] = 'rocket launcher',
    ['WEAPON_STINGER'] = 'stinger',
    ['WEAPON_MINIGUN'] = 'minigun',
    ['WEAPON_GRENADE'] = 'Grenade',
    ['WEAPON_STICKYBOMB'] = 'Sticky Bomb',
    ['WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE'] = 'Sis Bombası',
    ['WEAPON_MOLOTOV'] = 'Molotov Cocktail',
    ['WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER'] = 'fire extinguisher',
    ['WEAPON_PETROLCAN'] = 'Jerrycan',
    ['WEAPON_DIGISCANNER'] = 'digiscanner',
    ['WEAPON_BALL'] = 'Ball',
    ['WEAPON_SNSPISTOL'] = 'Sns Pistol',
    ['WEAPON_BOTTLE'] = 'Bottle',
    ['WEAPON_GUSENBERG'] = 'Gusenberg sweeper',
    ['WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE'] = 'Special Carbine',
    ['WEAPON_HEAVYPISTOL'] = 'Heavy Pistol',
    ['WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE'] = 'bullpup rifle',
    ['WEAPON_DAGGER'] = 'Dagger',
    ['WEAPON_VINTAGEPISTOL'] = 'Vintage pistol',
    ['WEAPON_FIREWORK'] = 'Firework',
    ['WEAPON_MUSKET'] = 'Musket',
    ['WEAPON_HEAVYSHOTGUN'] = 'Heavy Shotgun',
    ['WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE'] = 'Marksman Rifle',
    ['WEAPON_HOMINGLAUNCHER'] = 'homing launcher',
    ['WEAPON_PROXMINE'] = 'proximity mine',
    ['WEAPON_SNOWBALL'] = 'snow ball',
    ['WEAPON_FLAREGUN'] = 'flaregun',
    ['WEAPON_GARBAGEBAG'] = 'garbage bag',
    ['WEAPON_HANDCUFFS'] = 'handcuffs',
    ['WEAPON_COMBATPDW'] = 'combat pdw',
    ['WEAPON_MARKSMANPISTOL'] = 'Marksman Pistol',
    ['WEAPON_KNUCKLE'] = 'Knuckledusters',
    ['WEAPON_HATCHET'] = 'Hatchet',
    ['WEAPON_RAILGUN'] = 'railgun',
    ['WEAPON_MACHETE'] = 'Machete',
    ['WEAPON_MACHINEPISTOL'] = 'Machine pistol',
    ['WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE'] = 'Switchblade',
    ['WEAPON_REVOLVER'] = 'Heavy Revolver',
    ['WEAPON_DBSHOTGUN'] = 'double barrel shotgun',
    ['WEAPON_COMPACTRIFLE'] = 'Compact Rifle',
    ['WEAPON_AUTOSHOTGUN'] = 'auto shotgun',
    ['WEAPON_BATTLEAXE'] = 'Battle Axe',
    ['WEAPON_COMPACTLAUNCHER'] = 'compact launcher',
    ['WEAPON_MINISMG'] = 'Mini smg',
    ['WEAPON_PIPEBOMB'] = 'pipe bomb',
    ['WEAPON_POOLCUE'] = 'Pool Cue',
    ['WEAPON_WRENCH'] = 'Pipe Wrench',
    ['WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT'] = 'El Feneri',
    ['GADGET_NIGHTVISION'] = 'night vision',
    ['GADGET_PARACHUTE'] = 'parachute',
    ['WEAPON_FLARE'] = 'flare gun',
    ['WEAPON_DOUBLEACTION'] = 'Double-Action Revolver',

Config.GarbageProps = {

Config.GarbageItems = { -- only items not working with weapons or if u want put in weapon u must enable item weapons
    [1] = {
        name = 'vodka',
        count = math.random(1, 2)
    [2] = {
        name = 'cigaret',
        count = math.random(3, 5)
    [3] = {
        name = 'water',
        count = math.random(0, 1)
    [4] = {
        name = 'sandwich',
        count = math.random(1, 2)
    [5] = {
        name = 'lockpick',
        count = math.random(1, 2)

Config.GarbageRefreshTime = 7200 --second
özelden ulaş yardımcı olayım Hope#0637 eğer sıkıntın varsa
Server.lua atmasına gerek yok, bunu config.lua daki stashlerin oraya ekle

    ['Pinkcage Motel'] = {
        coords = {vector3(-99.9, -99.9, -99.9)},
        useMarker = true,
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = 'Depoya erişmek için [E] tuşuna basınız.', --or '[E] - Silahlar',
        job = 'all',
        maxweight = 2000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
 ['Motel'] = {
        coords = {vector3(-99.9, -99.9, -99.9)},
        useMarker = false,
        markerType = 2,
        markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        use3dtext = true,
        msg = '[E] - Motel Deposu',
        job = 'all',
        maxweight = 200 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
Bu bölümü üst tarafta kvl arkadasımızın paylastıgı gıbı değiştirirsen sorunun çözülecektir.
Sorununuz Çözüme Ulaştı mı ?
48 Saat İçerisinde Dönüş Yapılmadığı İçin Konu Kilitlenmiştir..
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

Forumdan daha fazla yararlanmak için giriş yapın yada üye olun!

Forumdan daha fazla yararlanmak için giriş yapın veya kayıt olun!

Kayıt ol

Forumda bir hesap oluşturmak tamamen ücretsizdir.

Şimdi kayıt ol
Giriş yap

Eğer bir hesabınız var ise lütfen giriş yapın

Giriş yap

Bu konuyu görüntüleyen kullanıcılar

Tema düzenleyici

Tema özelletirmeleri

Granit arka planlar

Lütfen Javascript'i etkinleştirin!Javascript'i etkinleştirin!