Config = {}
Config.OpenControl = 289 -- Key for opening inventory. Edit html/js/config.js to change key for closing it.
Config.TrunkAndGloveboxOpenControl = 47
Config.UseLimit = false
Config.UseWeight = true
-- List of item names that will close ui when used
Config.CloseUiItems = {"wallet", "fishingrod", "radio", "notepad", "licenseplate", "lockpick", "mdt"}
Config.UnlistedAccountsList = {"bank"}
Config.Shops = {
['Polis Marketi'] = {
coords = {vector3(452.22, -980.29, 30.69)},
items = {
{ name = "WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL", price = 0 },
{ name = "WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK", price = 0 },
{ name = "WEAPON_SMG", price = 0 },
{ name = "WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN", price = 0 },
{ name = "WEAPON_STUNGUN", price = 0 },
{ name = "disc_ammo_pistol", price = 0 },
{ name = "disc_ammo_smg", price = 0 },
{ name = "phone", price = 50 },
{ name = "sandwich", price = 1 },
{ name = "water", price = 1 },
{ name = "armour", price = 50 },
{ name = "bodycam", price = 0},
{ name = "gps", price = 0},
{ name = "radio", price = 10},
{ name = "mdt", price = 0},
{ name = "ifak", price = 20},
{ name = "bandage", price = 40},
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 255 },
use3dtext = false,
msg = 'Markete erişmek için ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ tuşuna basınız.', --or '[E] - İlaçlar',
blip = false, --{id = 15, scale = 0.5, color = 1, title = 'İlaç Deposu'},
job = {'police'}
['GunShop'] = {
coords = {vector3(21.37, -1107.13, 29.8)},
items = {
{ name = "WEAPON_BAT", price = 2000 },
{ name = "WEAPON_BAT", price = 2000 },
{ name = "WEAPON_KNIFE", price = 5000 },
{ name = "armour", price = 100 },
{ name = "lockpick", price = 70 },
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = 'Silah marketine erismek icin E tusuna basiniz.', --or '[E] - İlaçlar',
blip = {id = 110, scale = 0.5, color = 1, title = 'Silahçı'},
job = {'all'}
['Uyuşturucu'] = {
coords = {vector3(381.89, -816.56, 29.3)},
items = {
{ name = "highgradefemaleseed", price = 550 },
{ name = "highgrademaleseed", price = 550 },
{ name = "highgradefert", price = 100 },
{ name = "lowgradefert", price = 50 },
{ name = "purifiedwater", price = 10},
{ name = "wateringcan", price = 100},
{ name = "plantpot", price = 200},
{ name = "weed", price = 20},
{ name = "marul", price = 100},
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = 'E.', --or '[E] - İlaçlar',
blip = false,
job = {'bb'}
['Meth'] = {
coords = {vector3(1011.33, -3195.57, -38.99)},
items = {
{ name = "meth", price = 550 },
{ name = "meth_pooch", price = 1000},
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = '[E]', --or '[E] - İlaçlar',
blip = false,
job = {'is'}
['BB Shop'] = {
coords = {vector3(376.97, -828.09, 29.3)},
items = {
{ name = "beer", price = 20 },
{ name = "chips", price = 2 },
{ name = "chocolate", price = 5 },
{ name = "choped_sarap", price = 50 },
{ name = "cigarett", price = 5},
{ name = "cola", price = 2},
{ name = "cupcake", price = 10},
{ name = "energy", price = 5},
{ name = "vodka", price = 50},
{ name = "icetea", price = 10},
{ name = "lighter", price = 10},
{ name = "rollingpaper", price = 10},
{ name = "megaxhamburger", price = 50},
{ name = "m", price = 10},
{ name = "l", price = 10},
{ name = "xl", price = 10},
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = 'E.', --or '[E] - İlaçlar',
blip = {id = 140, scale = 0.6, color = 1, title = 'BBShop'},
job = {'all'}
['Thermite'] = {
coords = {vector3(-1571.73, -469.48, 36.25)},
items = {
{ name = "WEAPON_PISTOL", price = 55000 },
{ name = "WEAPON_SNSPISTOL", price = 60000 },
{ name = "WEAPON_APPISTOL", price = 150000 },
{ name = "WEAPON_HEAVYPISTOL", price = 150000 },
{ name = "WEAPON_MACHINEPISTOL", price = 190000},
{ name = "WEAPON_MINISMG", price = 190000},
{ name = "WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN", price = 20000},
{ name = "WEAPON_COMPACTRIFLE", price = 250000},
{ name = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE", price = 250000},
{ name = "WEAPON_MOLOTOV", price = 30000},
{ name = "disc_ammo_pistol", price = 100},
{ name = "disc_ammo_rifle", price = 250},
{ name = "disc_ammo_smg", price = 200},
{ name = "disc_ammo_shotgun", price = 200},
{ name = "lockpick", price = 100},
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = 'E.', --or '[E] - İlaçlar',
blip = false,
job = {'lumberjack'}
['Market'] = {
coords = {
vector3(25.95, -1347.27, 29.5),
vector3(373.875, 325.896, 103.566),
vector3(2557.458, 382.282, 106.622),
vector3(-3038.939, 585.954, 7.908),
vector3(-3241.927, 1001.462, 12.830),
vector3(547.431, 2671.710, 42.156),
vector3(1961.464, 3740.672, 32.343),
vector3(2678.916, 3280.671, 55.241),
vector3(1729.563, 6414.126, 36.037),
vector3(-48.519, -1757.514, 29.421),
vector3(1163.373, -323.801, 68.205),
vector3(-707.501, -914.260, 19.215),
vector3(-1820.523, 792.518, 138.118),
vector3(1698.388, 4924.404, 42.063),
vector3(1135.808, -982.281, 46.415),
vector3(-1222.915, -906.983, 12.326),
vector3(-1487.553, -379.107, 40.163),
vector3(-2968.243, 390.910, 15.043),
vector3(1166.024, 2708.930, 38.157),
vector3(1392.562, 3604.684, 34.980)
items = {
{ name = "sandwich", price = 4 },
{ name = "cupcake", price = 4 },
{ name = "chocolate", price = 1 },
{ name = "hamburger", price = 7 },
{ name = "chips", price = 3 },
{ name = "cigarett", price = 2 },
{ name = "lighter", price = 3 },
{ name = "energy", price = 4 },
{ name = "soda", price = 5 },
{ name = "water", price = 3 },
{ name = "cola", price = 5 },
{ name = "icetea", price = 3 },
{ name = "phone", price = 100 },
{ name = "radio", price = 50 },
{ name = "whisky", price = 12 },
{ name = "beer", price = 12 },
{ name = "kan", price = 50 },
{ name = "bandage", price = 100 },
{ name = "contract", price = 200 },
{ name = "fishingrod", price = 100 },
{ name = "fishbait", price = 10 },
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = '[E] - Market',
blip = {id = 59, scale = 0.5, color = 2, title = 'Market'},
job = {'all'}
['EMS Market'] = {
coords = {
vector3(304.66, -599.24, 43.28)
items = {
{ name = "bandage", price = 0 },
{ name = "medikit", price = 0 },
{ name = "phone", price = 25 },
{ name = "radio", price = 5 },
{ name = "sandwich", price = 1 },
{ name = "water", price = 1 },
{ name = "armour", price = 50 },
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = '[E] - EMS Market',
blip = false, --{id = 59, scale = 0.5, color = 2, title = 'Market'},
job = {'ambulance'}
Config.Stashs = {
['PD Deposu'] = {
coords = {vector3(461.46, -980.11, 30.69)},
useMarker = true,
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = '[E] - PD Deposu',
job = 'police',
maxweight = 100000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
['Kajman Depo'] = {
coords = {vector3(-1145.28, -1514.24, 10.63)},
useMarker = true,
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = '[E] - Kajman Depo',
job = 'bb',
maxweight = 1000000000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
['BB Kasa'] = {
coords = {vector3(376.85, -823.9, 29.3)},
useMarker = true,
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = '[E] - BB Kasa',
job = 'bb',
maxweight = 1000000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
['Thermite Kasa'] = {
coords = {vector3(-1569.86, -469.86, 36.25)},
useMarker = true,
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = '[E] - Thermite Kasa',
job = 'lumberjack',
maxweight = 1000000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
['Malikane 1'] = {
coords = {vector3(-1531.69, 142.87, 55.67)},
useMarker = true,
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = '[E] - Depoya eris',
job = 'aile1',
maxweight = 100000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
['Depo'] = {
coords = {vector3(-1380.31, -466.23, 72.04)},
useMarker = true,
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = '[E] - Depoya eriş',
job = 'is',
maxweight = 100000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
['Sams Deposu'] = {
coords = {vector3(306.51, -601.44, 43.28)},
useMarker = true,
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = '[E] - Sams Deposu',
job = 'ambulance',
maxweight = 100000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
['Mekanik1'] = {
coords = {vector3(-196.05, -1340.0, 34.9)},
useMarker = true,
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = '[E] - Mekanik Deposu',
job = 'mechanic',
maxweight = 100000 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
['Motel'] = {
coords = {vector3(-99.9, -99.9, -99.9)},
useMarker = false,
markerType = 2,
markerSize = vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
use3dtext = true,
msg = '[E] - Motel Deposu',
job = 'all',
maxweight = 200 -- if u use weight, uncomment this line
Config.DeleteDrops = {
Enabled = true,
Time = 300 --second
Config.VehicleTrunkOrGloveboxItems = { --if your item table in the database has a weight column, you don't need to enter the items here --if u using default weapons(not item weapons), u can enter weapon names(like 'WEAPON_PISTOL')
['default'] = 0.2, --dont remove this line
-- ['ambalaj'] = 0.02,
-- ['WEAPON_PISTOL'] = 1.0,
Config.VehicleTrunks = { --if you set the value to 0, no inventory is opened in that class vehicle
[0] = 3000, --Compact
[1] = 5000, --Sedan
[2] = 5000, --SUV
[3] = 5000, --Coupes
[4] = 5000, --Muscle
[5] = 5000, --Sports Classics
[6] = 5000, --Sports
[7] = 5000, --Super
[8] = 1000, --Motorcycles
[9] = 5000, --Off-road
[10] = 5000, --Industrial
[11] = 5000, --Utility
[12] = 5000, --Vans
[13] = 5000, --Cycles
[14] = 5000, --Boats
[15] = 5000, --Helicopters
[16] = 5000, --Planes
[17] = 5000, --Service
[18] = 5000, --Emergency
[19] = 5000, --Military
[20] = 5000, --Commercial
[21] = 5000 --Trains
Config.VehicleGloveboxs = { --if you set the value to 0, no inventory is opened in that class vehicle
[0] = 3, --Compact
[1] = 5, --Sedan
[2] = 5, --SUV
[3] = 3, --Coupes
[4] = 3, --Muscle
[5] = 3, --Sports Classics
[6] = 3, --Sports
[7] = 3, --Super
[8] = 0, --Motorcycles
[9] = 5, --Off-road
[10] = 5, --Industrial
[11] = 5, --Utility
[12] = 14, --Vans
[13] = 0, --Cycles
[14] = 0, --Boats
[15] = 0, --Helicopters
[16] = 0, --Planes
[17] = 5, --Service
[18] = 5, --Emergency
[19] = 5, --Military
[20] = 5, --Commercial
[21] = 0 --Trains
Config.NotifTexts = {
['use'] = 'Kullanıldı',
['add'] = 'Eklendi',
['remove'] = 'Silindi',
Config.ItemWeapons = { --only working with disc-ammo
Enabled = true,
Throwables = {
WEAPON_MOLOTOV = 615608432,
WEAPON_GRENADE = -1813897027,
WEAPON_PROXMINE = -1420407917,
WEAPON_PIPEBOMB = -1169823560,
FuelCan = 883325847,
Config.WeaponLabels = { -- only used for non item weapons
['WEAPON_KNIFE'] = 'Bıçak',
['WEAPON_HAMMER'] = 'Çekiç',
['WEAPON_BAT'] = 'Beyzbol Sopası',
['WEAPON_GOLFCLUB'] = 'Golf Sopası',
['WEAPON_CROWBAR'] = 'Levye',
['WEAPON_PISTOL'] = 'Tabanca',
['WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL'] = 'Combat Pistol',
['WEAPON_APPISTOL'] = 'AP pistol',
['WEAPON_PISTOL_MK2'] = 'Pistol MK2',
['WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2'] = 'Carbine Rifle MK2',
['WEAPON_PISTOL50'] = 'Pistol .50',
['WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE'] = 'Assault Rifle',
['WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE'] = 'Carbine Rifle',
['WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE'] = 'Advanced Rifle',
['WEAPON_MG'] = 'MG',
['WEAPON_COMBATMG'] = 'Combat MG',
['WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN'] = 'Pump Shotgun',
['WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN'] = 'Sawed off Shotgun',
['WEAPON_ASSAULTSHOTGUN'] = 'Assault Shotgun',
['WEAPON_BULLPUPSHOTGUN'] = 'Bullpup Shotgun',
['WEAPON_STUNGUN'] = 'Taser',
['WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE'] = 'Sniper Rifle',
['WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER'] = 'Heavy Sniper',
['WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER'] = 'Grenade Launcher',
['WEAPON_RPG'] = 'rocket launcher',
['WEAPON_STINGER'] = 'stinger',
['WEAPON_MINIGUN'] = 'minigun',
['WEAPON_GRENADE'] = 'Grenade',
['WEAPON_STICKYBOMB'] = 'Sticky Bomb',
['WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE'] = 'Sis Bombası',
['WEAPON_MOLOTOV'] = 'Molotov Cocktail',
['WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER'] = 'fire extinguisher',
['WEAPON_PETROLCAN'] = 'Jerrycan',
['WEAPON_DIGISCANNER'] = 'digiscanner',
['WEAPON_BALL'] = 'Ball',
['WEAPON_SNSPISTOL'] = 'Sns Pistol',
['WEAPON_BOTTLE'] = 'Bottle',
['WEAPON_GUSENBERG'] = 'Gusenberg sweeper',
['WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE'] = 'Special Carbine',
['WEAPON_HEAVYPISTOL'] = 'Heavy Pistol',
['WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE'] = 'bullpup rifle',
['WEAPON_DAGGER'] = 'Dagger',
['WEAPON_VINTAGEPISTOL'] = 'Vintage pistol',
['WEAPON_FIREWORK'] = 'Firework',
['WEAPON_MUSKET'] = 'Musket',
['WEAPON_HEAVYSHOTGUN'] = 'Heavy Shotgun',
['WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE'] = 'Marksman Rifle',
['WEAPON_HOMINGLAUNCHER'] = 'homing launcher',
['WEAPON_PROXMINE'] = 'proximity mine',
['WEAPON_SNOWBALL'] = 'snow ball',
['WEAPON_FLAREGUN'] = 'flaregun',
['WEAPON_GARBAGEBAG'] = 'garbage bag',
['WEAPON_HANDCUFFS'] = 'handcuffs',
['WEAPON_COMBATPDW'] = 'combat pdw',
['WEAPON_MARKSMANPISTOL'] = 'Marksman Pistol',
['WEAPON_KNUCKLE'] = 'Knuckledusters',
['WEAPON_HATCHET'] = 'Hatchet',
['WEAPON_RAILGUN'] = 'railgun',
['WEAPON_MACHETE'] = 'Machete',
['WEAPON_MACHINEPISTOL'] = 'Machine pistol',
['WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE'] = 'Switchblade',
['WEAPON_REVOLVER'] = 'Heavy Revolver',
['WEAPON_DBSHOTGUN'] = 'double barrel shotgun',
['WEAPON_COMPACTRIFLE'] = 'Compact Rifle',
['WEAPON_AUTOSHOTGUN'] = 'auto shotgun',
['WEAPON_BATTLEAXE'] = 'Battle Axe',
['WEAPON_COMPACTLAUNCHER'] = 'compact launcher',
['WEAPON_MINISMG'] = 'Mini smg',
['WEAPON_PIPEBOMB'] = 'pipe bomb',
['WEAPON_POOLCUE'] = 'Pool Cue',
['WEAPON_WRENCH'] = 'Pipe Wrench',
['WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT'] = 'El Feneri',
['GADGET_NIGHTVISION'] = 'night vision',
['GADGET_PARACHUTE'] = 'parachute',
['WEAPON_FLARE'] = 'flare gun',
['WEAPON_DOUBLEACTION'] = 'Double-Action Revolver',
Config.GarbageProps = {
Config.GarbageItems = { -- only items not working with weapons or if u want put in weapon u must enable item weapons
[1] = {
name = 'vodka',
count = math.random(1, 2)
[2] = {
name = 'cigaret',
count = math.random(3, 5)
[3] = {
name = 'water',
count = math.random(0, 1)
[4] = {
name = 'sandwich',
count = math.random(1, 2)
[5] = {
name = 'lockpick',
count = math.random(1, 2)
Config.GarbageRefreshTime = 7200 --second