Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
Arkadaşlar başlıktada belirttiğim gibi bazılarınızın bildiği üzere sway_carhud veya np_carhud olarak geçen carhud da kmh 10 25 30 50 olarak artıyor ben bunun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 diye sıralı artmasını istiyorum yardımcı olabilicek varmı
Hudun Göresli ve sıralı bir şekilde artması gereken yer:
Ekli dosyayı görüntüle 41162
hangi satırı hangi satırla editliceğimi bilmiyorum fakat bunu bende denemiştim bulamadımBurada ki eklenti dediğiniz gibidir kodlarına göz gezdirerek yapabilirsiniz.Linkleri,görmek için Giriş yap veya üye ol.
arattığımda karşıma çıkan tüm Citizen.Waitlerin parantezindekileri tek tek 1 yaparak test ettim olmadı malesef :/GetEntitySpeed
adı ile CTRL + F Kombinasyonunu kullanarak Clientside içerisinde arama yap.
karşına mutlaka bir kod bloğu gelecektir. bloğun içerisinde bulunan
"Citizen.Wait(msec)" kodunun parantez içerisindeki değerini 1 yaparsan sorunun çözülecektir
iyi günler iyi forumlar.
local seatbeltInput = 311 -- Toggle seatbelt on/off with K or DPAD down (controller)
local seatbeltPlaySound = true -- Play seatbelt sound
local seatbeltDisableExit = true -- Disable vehicle exit when seatbelt is enabled
local seatbeltEjectSpeed = 45.0 -- Speed threshold to eject player (MPH)
local seatbeltEjectAccel = 100.0 -- Acceleration threshold to eject player (G's)
local seatbeltColorOn = {160, 255, 160} -- Color used when seatbelt is on
local seatbeltColorOff = {255, 96, 96} -- Color used when seatbelt is off
Fuel = 0
local gasStations = {
{179.8573, 6602.839, 31.86817,600},
function getVehicleInDirection(coordFrom, coordTo)
local offset = 0
local rayHandle
local vehicle
for i = 0, 100 do
rayHandle = CastRayPointToPoint(coordFrom.x, coordFrom.y, coordFrom.z, coordTo.x, coordTo.y, coordTo.z + offset, 10, PlayerPedId(), 0)
a, b, c, d, vehicle = GetRaycastResult(rayHandle)
offset = offset - 1
if vehicle ~= 0 then break end
local distance = Vdist2(coordFrom, GetEntityCoords(vehicle))
if distance > 3000 then vehicle = nil end
return vehicle ~= nil and vehicle or 0
local pedInVeh = false
local seatbeltIsOn = false
local currSpeed = 0.0
while true do
local player = GetPlayerPed(-1)
local position = GetEntityCoords(player)
local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false)
-- Set vehicle states
if IsPedInAnyVehicle(player, false) then
pedInVeh = true
-- Reset states when not in car
pedInVeh = false
cruiseIsOn = false
seatbeltIsOn = false
local vehicleClass = GetVehicleClass(vehicle)
if pedInVeh and vehicleClass ~= 13 then
local prevSpeed = currSpeed
currSpeed = GetEntitySpeed(vehicle)
-- Set PED flags
SetPedConfigFlag(PlayerPedId(), 32, true)
if IsControlJustReleased(0, seatbeltInput) and (enableController or GetLastInputMethod(0)) and vehicleClass ~= 8 then
-- Toggle seatbelt status and play sound when enabled
seatbeltIsOn = not seatbeltIsOn
if seatbeltPlaySound then
PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "Faster_Click", "RESPAWN_ONLINE_SOUNDSET", 1)
if not seatbeltIsOn then
-- Eject PED when moving forward, vehicle was going over 45 MPH and acceleration over 100 G's
local vehIsMovingFwd = GetEntitySpeedVector(vehicle, true).y > 1.0
local vehAcc = (prevSpeed - currSpeed) / GetFrameTime()
if (vehIsMovingFwd and (prevSpeed > (seatbeltEjectSpeed/2.237)) and (vehAcc > (seatbeltEjectAccel*9.81))) then
SetEntityCoords(player, position.x, position.y, position.z - 0.47, true, true, true)
SetEntityVelocity(player, prevVelocity.x, prevVelocity.y, prevVelocity.z)
SetPedToRagdoll(player, 1000, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-- Update previous velocity for ejecting player
prevVelocity = GetEntityVelocity(vehicle)
elseif seatbeltDisableExit then
-- Disable vehicle exit when seatbelt is on
DisableControlAction(0, 75)
function TargetVehicle()
playerped = PlayerPedId()
coordA = GetEntityCoords(playerped, 1)
coordB = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(playerped, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0)
targetVehicle = getVehicleInDirection(coordA, coordB)
return targetVehicle
function TargetVehicle()
playerped = PlayerPedId()
coordA = GetEntityCoords(playerped, 1)
coordB = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(playerped, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0)
targetVehicle = getVehicleInDirection(coordA, coordB)
return targetVehicle
function round( n )
return math.floor( n + 0.5 )
function drawTxt(x,y ,width,height,scale, text, r,g,b,a)
SetTextScale(scale, scale)
SetTextColour(r, g, b, a)
SetTextDropShadow(0, 0, 0, 0,255)
SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 255)
DrawText(x - width/2, y - height/2 + 0.005)
local zoneNames = {
AIRP = "Los Santos International Airport",
ALAMO = "Alamo Sea",
ALTA = "Alta",
ARMYB = "Fort Zancudo",
BANHAMC = "Banham Canyon Dr",
BANNING = "Banning",
BAYTRE = "Baytree Canyon",
BEACH = "Vespucci Beach",
BHAMCA = "Banham Canyon",
BRADP = "Braddock Pass",
BRADT = "Braddock Tunnel",
BURTON = "Burton",
CALAFB = "Calafia Bridge",
CANNY = "Raton Canyon",
CCREAK = "Cassidy Creek",
CHAMH = "Chamberlain Hills",
CHIL = "Vinewood Hills",
CHU = "Chumash",
CMSW = "Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness",
CYPRE = "Cypress Flats",
DAVIS = "Davis",
DELBE = "Del Perro Beach",
DELPE = "Del Perro",
DELSOL = "La Puerta",
DESRT = "Grand Senora Desert",
DOWNT = "Downtown",
DTVINE = "Downtown Vinewood",
EAST_V = "East Vinewood",
EBURO = "El Burro Heights",
ELGORL = "El Gordo Lighthouse",
ELYSIAN = "Elysian Island",
GALFISH = "Galilee",
GALLI = "Galileo Park",
golf = "GWC and Golfing Society",
GRAPES = "Grapeseed",
GREATC = "Great Chaparral",
HARMO = "Harmony",
HAWICK = "Hawick",
HORS = "Vinewood Racetrack",
HUMLAB = "Humane Labs and Research",
JAIL = "Bolingbroke Penitentiary",
KOREAT = "Little Seoul",
LACT = "Land Act Reservoir",
LAGO = "Lago Zancudo",
LDAM = "Land Act Dam",
LEGSQU = "Legion Square",
LMESA = "La Mesa",
LOSPUER = "La Puerta",
MIRR = "Mirror Park",
MORN = "Morningwood",
MOVIE = "Richards Majestic",
MTCHIL = "Mount Chiliad",
MTGORDO = "Mount Gordo",
MTJOSE = "Mount Josiah",
MURRI = "Murrieta Heights",
NCHU = "North Chumash",
NOOSE = "N.O.O.S.E",
OCEANA = "Pacific Ocean",
PALCOV = "Paleto Cove",
PALETO = "Paleto Bay",
PALFOR = "Paleto Forest",
PALHIGH = "Palomino Highlands",
PALMPOW = "Palmer-Taylor Power Station",
PBLUFF = "Pacific Bluffs",
PBOX = "Pillbox Hill",
PROCOB = "Procopio Beach",
RANCHO = "Rancho",
RGLEN = "Richman Glen",
RICHM = "Richman",
ROCKF = "Rockford Hills",
RTRAK = "Redwood Lights Track",
SanAnd = "San Andreas",
SANCHIA = "San Chianski Mountain Range",
SANDY = "Sandy Shores",
SKID = "Mission Row",
SLAB = "Stab City",
STAD = "Maze Bank Arena",
STRAW = "Strawberry",
TATAMO = "Tataviam Mountains",
TERMINA = "Terminal",
TEXTI = "Textile City",
TONGVAH = "Tongva Hills",
TONGVAV = "Tongva Valley",
VCANA = "Vespucci Canals",
VESP = "Vespucci",
VINE = "Vinewood",
WINDF = "Ron Alternates Wind Farm",
WVINE = "West Vinewood",
ZANCUDO = "Zancudo River",
ZP_ORT = "Port of South Los Santos",
ZQ_UAR = "Davis Quartz"
-- CONFIG --
local showCompass = true
-- CODE --
local compass = "Loading GPS"
local lastStreet = nil
local lastStreetName = ""
local zone = "Unknown";
function playerLocation()
return lastStreetName
function playerZone()
return zone
-- Thanks @marxy
function getCardinalDirectionFromHeading(heading)
if heading >= 315 or heading < 45 then
return "North Bound"
elseif heading >= 45 and heading < 135 then
return "West Bound"
elseif heading >=135 and heading < 225 then
return "South Bound"
elseif heading >= 225 and heading < 315 then
return "East Bound"
local seatbelt = false
AddEventHandler("seatbelt", function(belt)
seatbelt = belt
local time = "12:00"
AddEventHandler("timeheader", function(h,m)
if h < 10 then
h = "0"..h
if m < 10 then
m = "0"..m
time = h .. ":" .. m
local counter = 0
local Mph = GetEntitySpeed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), false)) * 3.6
local Fuel = 0.0
local uiopen = false
local colorblind = false
local compass_on = false
colorblind = not colorblind
local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), true))
local currentStreetHash, intersectStreetHash = GetStreetNameAtCoord(x, y, z, currentStreetHash, intersectStreetHash)
currentStreetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(currentStreetHash)
intersectStreetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(intersectStreetHash)
zone = tostring(GetNameOfZone(x, y, z))
playerStreetsLocation = zoneNames[tostring(zone)]
if not zone then
zone = "UNKNOWN"
zoneNames['UNKNOWN'] = zone
elseif not zoneNames[tostring(zone)] then
local undefinedZone = zone .. " " .. x .. " " .. y .. " " .. z
zoneNames[tostring(zone)] = "Undefined Zone"
if intersectStreetName ~= nil and intersectStreetName ~= "" then
playerStreetsLocation = currentStreetName .. " | " .. intersectStreetName .. " | [" .. zoneNames[tostring(zone)] .. "]"
elseif currentStreetName ~= nil and currentStreetName ~= "" then
playerStreetsLocation = currentStreetName .. " | [" .. zoneNames[tostring(zone)] .. "]"
playerStreetsLocation = "[" .. zoneNames[tostring(zone)] .. "]"
while true do
local player = PlayerPedId()
local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(player, true))
local currentStreetHash, intersectStreetHash = GetStreetNameAtCoord(x, y, z, currentStreetHash, intersectStreetHash)
currentStreetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(currentStreetHash)
intersectStreetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(intersectStreetHash)
zone = tostring(GetNameOfZone(x, y, z))
playerStreetsLocation = zoneNames[tostring(zone)]
if not zone then
zone = "UNKNOWN"
zoneNames['UNKNOWN'] = zone
elseif not zoneNames[tostring(zone)] then
local undefinedZone = zone .. " " .. x .. " " .. y .. " " .. z
zoneNames[tostring(zone)] = "Undefined Zone"
if intersectStreetName ~= nil and intersectStreetName ~= "" then
playerStreetsLocation = currentStreetName .. " | " .. intersectStreetName .. " | [" .. zoneNames[tostring(zone)] .. "]"
elseif currentStreetName ~= nil and currentStreetName ~= "" then
playerStreetsLocation = currentStreetName .. " | [" .. zoneNames[tostring(zone)] .. "]"
playerStreetsLocation = "[".. zoneNames[tostring(zone)] .. "]"
-- compass = getCardinalDirectionFromHeading(math.floor(GetEntityHeading(player) + 0.5))
-- street = compass .. " | " .. playerStreetsLocation
street = playerStreetsLocation
if IsVehicleEngineOn(GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false)) then
if not uiopen then
uiopen = true
open = 1,
local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, false)
Fuel = exports["np-fuel"]:GetFuel(vehicle)
Mph = math.ceil(GetEntitySpeed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false)) * 3.6)
local hours = GetClockHours()
if string.len(tostring(hours)) == 1 then
trash = '0'..hours
trash = hours
local mins = GetClockMinutes()
if string.len(tostring(mins)) == 1 then
mins = '0'..mins
mins = mins
open = 2,
mph = Mph,
fuel = math.ceil(Fuel),
street = street,
belt = seatbeltIsOn,
time = hours .. ':' .. mins,
colorblind = colorblind
if uiopen and not compass_on then
open = 3,
uiopen = false
compass_on = false
AddEventHandler('carHud:compass', function(table)
compass_on = not compass_on
AddEventHandler('carHud:compassoff', function(table)
compass_on = false
local IsPedInVehicle = false
if IsPedInVehicle ~= false then
while true do
local player = PlayerPedId()
if IsVehicleEngineOn(GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false)) then
-- in vehicle
open = 2,
direction = math.floor(calcHeading(-GetEntityHeading(player) % 360)),
elseif compass_on == true then
-- has compass toggled
if not uiopen then
uiopen = true
open = 1,
open = 4,
time = time,
direction = math.floor(calcHeading(-GetEntityHeading(player) % 360)),
Controlkey = {["generalUse"] = {38,"E"}}
AddEventHandler('event:control:update', function(table)
Controlkey["generalUse"] = table["generalUse"]
-- Compass shit
Heavy Math Calcs
local imageWidth = 100 -- leave this variable, related to pixel size of the directions
local containerWidth = 100 -- width of the image container
-- local width = (imageWidth / containerWidth) * 100; -- used to convert image width if changed
local width = 0;
local south = (-imageWidth) + width
local west = (-imageWidth * 2) + width
local north = (-imageWidth * 3) + width
local east = (-imageWidth * 4) + width
local south2 = (-imageWidth * 5) + width
function calcHeading(direction)
if (direction < 90) then
return lerp(north, east, direction / 90)
elseif (direction < 180) then
return lerp(east, south2, rangePercent(90, 180, direction))
elseif (direction < 270) then
return lerp(south, west, rangePercent(180, 270, direction))
elseif (direction <= 360) then
return lerp(west, north, rangePercent(270, 360, direction))
function rangePercent(min, max, amt)
return (((amt - min) * 100) / (max - min)) / 100
function lerp(min, max, amt)
return (1 - amt) * min + amt * max
alarmset = false
if not alarmset then
alarmset = true
local i = 5
TriggerEvent("DoLongHudText", "Low fuel.",1)
while i > 0 do
PlaySound(-1, "5_SEC_WARNING", "HUD_MINI_GAME_SOUNDSET", 0, 0, 1)
i = i - 1
alarmset = false
while true do
local player = PlayerPedId()
if (IsPedInAnyVehicle(player, false)) then
local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(player,false)
if Fuel < 20 then
-- print(Fuel)
if not IsThisModelABike(GetEntityModel(veh)) then
if Fuel < 10 then
if not IsThisModelABike(GetEntityModel(veh)) then
hud bozuluyor direkt gözükmüyor hudJavaScript:local seatbeltInput = 311 -- Toggle seatbelt on/off with K or DPAD down (controller) local seatbeltPlaySound = true -- Play seatbelt sound local seatbeltDisableExit = true -- Disable vehicle exit when seatbelt is enabled local seatbeltEjectSpeed = 45.0 -- Speed threshold to eject player (MPH) local seatbeltEjectAccel = 100.0 -- Acceleration threshold to eject player (G's) local seatbeltColorOn = {160, 255, 160} -- Color used when seatbelt is on local seatbeltColorOff = {255, 96, 96} -- Color used when seatbelt is off DecorRegister("_FUEL_LEVEL",3) Fuel = 0 local gasStations = { {179.8573, 6602.839, 31.86817,600}, } function getVehicleInDirection(coordFrom, coordTo) local offset = 0 local rayHandle local vehicle for i = 0, 100 do rayHandle = CastRayPointToPoint(coordFrom.x, coordFrom.y, coordFrom.z, coordTo.x, coordTo.y, coordTo.z + offset, 10, PlayerPedId(), 0) a, b, c, d, vehicle = GetRaycastResult(rayHandle) offset = offset - 1 if vehicle ~= 0 then break end end local distance = Vdist2(coordFrom, GetEntityCoords(vehicle)) if distance > 3000 then vehicle = nil end return vehicle ~= nil and vehicle or 0 end local pedInVeh = false local seatbeltIsOn = false Citizen.CreateThread(function() local currSpeed = 0.0 while true do Citizen.Wait(0) local player = GetPlayerPed(-1) local position = GetEntityCoords(player) local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false) -- Set vehicle states if IsPedInAnyVehicle(player, false) then pedInVeh = true else -- Reset states when not in car pedInVeh = false cruiseIsOn = false seatbeltIsOn = false end local vehicleClass = GetVehicleClass(vehicle) if pedInVeh and vehicleClass ~= 13 then local prevSpeed = currSpeed currSpeed = GetEntitySpeed(vehicle) -- Set PED flags SetPedConfigFlag(PlayerPedId(), 32, true) if IsControlJustReleased(0, seatbeltInput) and (enableController or GetLastInputMethod(0)) and vehicleClass ~= 8 then -- Toggle seatbelt status and play sound when enabled seatbeltIsOn = not seatbeltIsOn if seatbeltPlaySound then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "Faster_Click", "RESPAWN_ONLINE_SOUNDSET", 1) end end if not seatbeltIsOn then -- Eject PED when moving forward, vehicle was going over 45 MPH and acceleration over 100 G's local vehIsMovingFwd = GetEntitySpeedVector(vehicle, true).y > 1.0 local vehAcc = (prevSpeed - currSpeed) / GetFrameTime() if (vehIsMovingFwd and (prevSpeed > (seatbeltEjectSpeed/2.237)) and (vehAcc > (seatbeltEjectAccel*9.81))) then SetEntityCoords(player, position.x, position.y, position.z - 0.47, true, true, true) SetEntityVelocity(player, prevVelocity.x, prevVelocity.y, prevVelocity.z) Citizen.Wait(1) SetPedToRagdoll(player, 1000, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0) else -- Update previous velocity for ejecting player prevVelocity = GetEntityVelocity(vehicle) end elseif seatbeltDisableExit then -- Disable vehicle exit when seatbelt is on DisableControlAction(0, 75) end Citizen.Wait(0) else Citizen.Wait(400) end end end) function TargetVehicle() playerped = PlayerPedId() coordA = GetEntityCoords(playerped, 1) coordB = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(playerped, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0) targetVehicle = getVehicleInDirection(coordA, coordB) return targetVehicle end function TargetVehicle() playerped = PlayerPedId() coordA = GetEntityCoords(playerped, 1) coordB = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(playerped, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0) targetVehicle = getVehicleInDirection(coordA, coordB) return targetVehicle end function round( n ) return math.floor( n + 0.5 ) end function drawTxt(x,y ,width,height,scale, text, r,g,b,a) SetTextFont(4) SetTextProportional(0) SetTextScale(scale, scale) SetTextColour(r, g, b, a) SetTextDropShadow(0, 0, 0, 0,255) SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 255) SetTextDropShadow() SetTextOutline() SetTextEntry("STRING") AddTextComponentString(text) DrawText(x - width/2, y - height/2 + 0.005) end local zoneNames = { AIRP = "Los Santos International Airport", ALAMO = "Alamo Sea", ALTA = "Alta", ARMYB = "Fort Zancudo", BANHAMC = "Banham Canyon Dr", BANNING = "Banning", BAYTRE = "Baytree Canyon", BEACH = "Vespucci Beach", BHAMCA = "Banham Canyon", BRADP = "Braddock Pass", BRADT = "Braddock Tunnel", BURTON = "Burton", CALAFB = "Calafia Bridge", CANNY = "Raton Canyon", CCREAK = "Cassidy Creek", CHAMH = "Chamberlain Hills", CHIL = "Vinewood Hills", CHU = "Chumash", CMSW = "Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness", CYPRE = "Cypress Flats", DAVIS = "Davis", DELBE = "Del Perro Beach", DELPE = "Del Perro", DELSOL = "La Puerta", DESRT = "Grand Senora Desert", DOWNT = "Downtown", DTVINE = "Downtown Vinewood", EAST_V = "East Vinewood", EBURO = "El Burro Heights", ELGORL = "El Gordo Lighthouse", ELYSIAN = "Elysian Island", GALFISH = "Galilee", GALLI = "Galileo Park", golf = "GWC and Golfing Society", GRAPES = "Grapeseed", GREATC = "Great Chaparral", HARMO = "Harmony", HAWICK = "Hawick", HORS = "Vinewood Racetrack", HUMLAB = "Humane Labs and Research", JAIL = "Bolingbroke Penitentiary", KOREAT = "Little Seoul", LACT = "Land Act Reservoir", LAGO = "Lago Zancudo", LDAM = "Land Act Dam", LEGSQU = "Legion Square", LMESA = "La Mesa", LOSPUER = "La Puerta", MIRR = "Mirror Park", MORN = "Morningwood", MOVIE = "Richards Majestic", MTCHIL = "Mount Chiliad", MTGORDO = "Mount Gordo", MTJOSE = "Mount Josiah", MURRI = "Murrieta Heights", NCHU = "North Chumash", NOOSE = "N.O.O.S.E", OCEANA = "Pacific Ocean", PALCOV = "Paleto Cove", PALETO = "Paleto Bay", PALFOR = "Paleto Forest", PALHIGH = "Palomino Highlands", PALMPOW = "Palmer-Taylor Power Station", PBLUFF = "Pacific Bluffs", PBOX = "Pillbox Hill", PROCOB = "Procopio Beach", RANCHO = "Rancho", RGLEN = "Richman Glen", RICHM = "Richman", ROCKF = "Rockford Hills", RTRAK = "Redwood Lights Track", SanAnd = "San Andreas", SANCHIA = "San Chianski Mountain Range", SANDY = "Sandy Shores", SKID = "Mission Row", SLAB = "Stab City", STAD = "Maze Bank Arena", STRAW = "Strawberry", TATAMO = "Tataviam Mountains", TERMINA = "Terminal", TEXTI = "Textile City", TONGVAH = "Tongva Hills", TONGVAV = "Tongva Valley", VCANA = "Vespucci Canals", VESP = "Vespucci", VINE = "Vinewood", WINDF = "Ron Alternates Wind Farm", WVINE = "West Vinewood", ZANCUDO = "Zancudo River", ZP_ORT = "Port of South Los Santos", ZQ_UAR = "Davis Quartz" } -- CONFIG -- local showCompass = true -- CODE -- local compass = "Loading GPS" local lastStreet = nil local lastStreetName = "" local zone = "Unknown"; function playerLocation() return lastStreetName end function playerZone() return zone end -- Thanks @marxy function getCardinalDirectionFromHeading(heading) if heading >= 315 or heading < 45 then return "North Bound" elseif heading >= 45 and heading < 135 then return "West Bound" elseif heading >=135 and heading < 225 then return "South Bound" elseif heading >= 225 and heading < 315 then return "East Bound" end end local seatbelt = false RegisterNetEvent("seatbelt") AddEventHandler("seatbelt", function(belt) seatbelt = belt end) local time = "12:00" RegisterNetEvent("timeheader") AddEventHandler("timeheader", function(h,m) if h < 10 then h = "0"..h end if m < 10 then m = "0"..m end time = h .. ":" .. m end) local counter = 0 local Mph = GetEntitySpeed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), false)) * 3.6 local Fuel = 0.0 local uiopen = false local colorblind = false local compass_on = false RegisterNetEvent('option:colorblind') AddEventHandler('option:colorblind',function() colorblind = not colorblind end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), true)) local currentStreetHash, intersectStreetHash = GetStreetNameAtCoord(x, y, z, currentStreetHash, intersectStreetHash) currentStreetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(currentStreetHash) intersectStreetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(intersectStreetHash) zone = tostring(GetNameOfZone(x, y, z)) playerStreetsLocation = zoneNames[tostring(zone)] if not zone then zone = "UNKNOWN" zoneNames['UNKNOWN'] = zone elseif not zoneNames[tostring(zone)] then local undefinedZone = zone .. " " .. x .. " " .. y .. " " .. z zoneNames[tostring(zone)] = "Undefined Zone" end if intersectStreetName ~= nil and intersectStreetName ~= "" then playerStreetsLocation = currentStreetName .. " | " .. intersectStreetName .. " | [" .. zoneNames[tostring(zone)] .. "]" elseif currentStreetName ~= nil and currentStreetName ~= "" then playerStreetsLocation = currentStreetName .. " | [" .. zoneNames[tostring(zone)] .. "]" else playerStreetsLocation = "[" .. zoneNames[tostring(zone)] .. "]" end while true do Citizen.Wait(10) local player = PlayerPedId() local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(player, true)) local currentStreetHash, intersectStreetHash = GetStreetNameAtCoord(x, y, z, currentStreetHash, intersectStreetHash) currentStreetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(currentStreetHash) intersectStreetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(intersectStreetHash) zone = tostring(GetNameOfZone(x, y, z)) playerStreetsLocation = zoneNames[tostring(zone)] if not zone then zone = "UNKNOWN" zoneNames['UNKNOWN'] = zone elseif not zoneNames[tostring(zone)] then local undefinedZone = zone .. " " .. x .. " " .. y .. " " .. z zoneNames[tostring(zone)] = "Undefined Zone" end if intersectStreetName ~= nil and intersectStreetName ~= "" then playerStreetsLocation = currentStreetName .. " | " .. intersectStreetName .. " | [" .. zoneNames[tostring(zone)] .. "]" elseif currentStreetName ~= nil and currentStreetName ~= "" then playerStreetsLocation = currentStreetName .. " | [" .. zoneNames[tostring(zone)] .. "]" else playerStreetsLocation = "[".. zoneNames[tostring(zone)] .. "]" end -- compass = getCardinalDirectionFromHeading(math.floor(GetEntityHeading(player) + 0.5)) -- street = compass .. " | " .. playerStreetsLocation street = playerStreetsLocation if IsVehicleEngineOn(GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false)) then if not uiopen then uiopen = true SendNUIMessage({ open = 1, }) end local playerPed = PlayerPedId() local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, false) Fuel = exports["np-fuel"]:GetFuel(vehicle) Mph = math.ceil(GetEntitySpeed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false)) * 3.6) local hours = GetClockHours() if string.len(tostring(hours)) == 1 then trash = '0'..hours else trash = hours end local mins = GetClockMinutes() if string.len(tostring(mins)) == 1 then mins = '0'..mins else mins = mins end SendNUIMessage({ open = 2, mph = Mph, fuel = math.ceil(Fuel), street = street, belt = seatbeltIsOn, time = hours .. ':' .. mins, colorblind = colorblind }) else if uiopen and not compass_on then SendNUIMessage({ open = 3, }) uiopen = false end compass_on = false end RegisterNetEvent('carHud:compass') AddEventHandler('carHud:compass', function(table) compass_on = not compass_on end) RegisterNetEvent('carHud:compassoff') AddEventHandler('carHud:compassoff', function(table) compass_on = false end) local IsPedInVehicle = false if IsPedInVehicle ~= false then TriggerClientEvent('carHud:compassoff') end end end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(1) local player = PlayerPedId() if IsVehicleEngineOn(GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false)) then -- in vehicle SendNUIMessage({ open = 2, direction = math.floor(calcHeading(-GetEntityHeading(player) % 360)), }) elseif compass_on == true then -- has compass toggled if not uiopen then uiopen = true SendNUIMessage({ open = 1, }) end SendNUIMessage({ open = 4, time = time, direction = math.floor(calcHeading(-GetEntityHeading(player) % 360)), }) else Citizen.Wait(1000) end end end) Controlkey = {["generalUse"] = {38,"E"}} RegisterNetEvent('event:control:update') AddEventHandler('event:control:update', function(table) Controlkey["generalUse"] = table["generalUse"] end) --------------------------------- -- Compass shit --------------------------------- --[[ Heavy Math Calcs ]]-- local imageWidth = 100 -- leave this variable, related to pixel size of the directions local containerWidth = 100 -- width of the image container -- local width = (imageWidth / containerWidth) * 100; -- used to convert image width if changed local width = 0; local south = (-imageWidth) + width local west = (-imageWidth * 2) + width local north = (-imageWidth * 3) + width local east = (-imageWidth * 4) + width local south2 = (-imageWidth * 5) + width function calcHeading(direction) if (direction < 90) then return lerp(north, east, direction / 90) elseif (direction < 180) then return lerp(east, south2, rangePercent(90, 180, direction)) elseif (direction < 270) then return lerp(south, west, rangePercent(180, 270, direction)) elseif (direction <= 360) then return lerp(west, north, rangePercent(270, 360, direction)) end end function rangePercent(min, max, amt) return (((amt - min) * 100) / (max - min)) / 100 end function lerp(min, max, amt) return (1 - amt) * min + amt * max end -- FUEL ALARM-- alarmset = false RegisterNetEvent("CarFuelAlarm") AddEventHandler("CarFuelAlarm",function() if not alarmset then alarmset = true local i = 5 TriggerEvent("DoLongHudText", "Low fuel.",1) while i > 0 do PlaySound(-1, "5_SEC_WARNING", "HUD_MINI_GAME_SOUNDSET", 0, 0, 1) i = i - 1 Citizen.Wait(6000) end Citizen.Wait(9000) alarmset = false end end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(250) local player = PlayerPedId() if (IsPedInAnyVehicle(player, false)) then local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(player,false) if Fuel < 20 then -- print(Fuel) if not IsThisModelABike(GetEntityModel(veh)) then TriggerEvent("CarFuelAlarm") end else if Fuel < 10 then --print(Fuel) if not IsThisModelABike(GetEntityModel(veh)) then TriggerEvent("CarFuelAlarm") end end end end end end)
Bunu komple kendi client side'ın ile değiştir ve tekrar dene en son bunda anlık olarak güncelliyor olması gerek.
Eski bir eklenti en son öyle olması gerekiyor emin değilim o şekilde çalışmıyor da olabilir.
citizen.wait olarak arattığım herşeyi 1 yaptım scripti restartladım sonrasında denedim olmadı ctrl z yaptım gene arattım bunu hepsine yaptım fakat olumlu bir sonuş elde edemedimKullandığınız sürüm farklı o halde lakin citizen.wait(x) kısmında doğru yeri düşürüp eklentiyi yeniden başlattığınızda sorununuz kalmayacaktır denemeye devam edin tek tek.
hudun içindeki doyalara bakıp yardımcı olursanız sevinirim hala sorunum çözülmediKullandığım car hudunLinkleri,görmek için Giriş yap veya üye ol.içine bakabilirsiniz hudun
arkadaşımdan yardım alarak yaptığımı oraya bırakmışım ve buglarını çözemediğim için paylaşmadımKanka çok merak ettiğimden soruyorum.
Bu kadar basit bir olayı bilmiyorken
Linkleri,görmek için Giriş yap veya üye ol.
Bu motel sistemini yapabilmen garip açıkcası ?
Ayrıca sorunu çözebilmem için lütfen scriptin clientsideını kod olarak ekler misin?
Konudaki yorum yapan herkes Citizen.Wait()'i yüksek olan yerleri küçük sayılara çek demiş sende çektim dedin fakat hala içinde Citizen.Wait(500), Citizen.Wait(250) gibi yerler mevcut ya insanlarla dalga geçiyorsun ya da bulamadın.arkadaşımdan yardım alarak yaptığımı oraya bırakmışım ve buglarını çözemediğim için paylaşmadım neyse client sidesi bu
Kod:ESX = nil local Keys = { ["ESC"] = 322, ["F1"] = 288, ["F2"] = 289, ["F3"] = 170, ["F5"] = 166, ["F6"] = 167, ["F7"] = 168, ["F8"] = 169, ["F9"] = 56, ["F10"] = 57, ["~"] = 243, ["1"] = 157, ["2"] = 158, ["3"] = 160, ["4"] = 164, ["5"] = 165, ["6"] = 159, ["7"] = 161, ["8"] = 162, ["9"] = 163, ["-"] = 84, ["="] = 83, ["BACKSPACE"] = 177, ["TAB"] = 37, ["Q"] = 44, ["W"] = 32, ["E"] = 38, ["R"] = 45, ["T"] = 245, ["Y"] = 246, ["U"] = 303, ["P"] = 199, ["["] = 39, ["]"] = 40, ["ENTER"] = 18, ["CAPS"] = 137, ["A"] = 34, ["S"] = 8, ["D"] = 9, ["F"] = 23, ["G"] = 47, ["H"] = 74, ["K"] = 311, ["L"] = 182, ["LEFTSHIFT"] = 21, ["Z"] = 20, ["X"] = 73, ["C"] = 26, ["V"] = 0, ["B"] = 29, ["N"] = 249, ["M"] = 244, [","] = 82, ["."] = 81, ["LEFTCTRL"] = 36, ["LEFTALT"] = 19, ["SPACE"] = 22, ["RIGHTCTRL"] = 70, ["HOME"] = 213, ["PAGEUP"] = 10, ["PAGEDOWN"] = 11, ["DELETE"] = 178, ["LEFT"] = 174, ["RIGHT"] = 175, ["TOP"] = 27, ["DOWN"] = 173, ["NENTER"] = 201, ["N4"] = 108, ["N5"] = 60, ["N6"] = 107, ["N+"] = 96, ["N-"] = 97, ["N7"] = 117, ["N8"] = 61, ["N9"] = 118 } Citizen.CreateThread(function() while ESX == nil do TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end) Citizen.Wait(0) end end) -- gas filling DecorRegister("CurrentFuel", 3) Fuel = 0 local gasStations = { {49.41872, 2778.793, 58.04395,600}, {263.8949, 2606.463, 44.98339,600}, {1039.958, 2671.134, 39.55091,900}, {1207.26, 2660.175, 37.89996,900}, {2539.685, 2594.192, 37.94488,1500}, {2679.858, 3263.946, 55.24057,1500}, {2005.055, 3773.887, 32.40393,1200}, {1687.156, 4929.392, 42.07809,900}, {1701.314, 6416.028, 32.76395,1200}, {179.8573, 6602.839, 31.86817,600}, {-94.46199, 6419.594, 31.48952,600}, {-2554.996, 2334.402, 33.07803,600}, {-1800.375, 803.6619, 138.6512,600}, {-1437.622, -276.7476, 46.20771,600}, {-2096.243, -320.2867, 13.16857,600}, {-724.6192, -935.1631, 19.21386,600}, {-526.0198, -1211.003, 18.18483,600}, {-70.21484, -1761.792, 29.53402,600}, {265.6484,-1261.309, 29.29294,600}, {819.6538,-1028.846, 26.40342,780}, {1208.951,-1402.567, 35.22419,900}, {1181.381,-330.8471, 69.31651,900}, {620.8434, 269.1009, 103.0895,780}, {2581.321, 362.0393, 108.4688,1500}, {1785.363, 3330.372, 41.38188,1200}, {-319.537, -1471.5116, 30.54118,600}, {-66.58, -2532.56, 6.14, 400} } function getVehicleInDirection(coordFrom, coordTo) local offset = 0 local rayHandle local vehicle for i = 0, 100 do rayHandle = CastRayPointToPoint(coordFrom.x, coordFrom.y, coordFrom.z, coordTo.x, coordTo.y, coordTo.z + offset, 10, PlayerPedId(), 0) a, b, c, d, vehicle = GetRaycastResult(rayHandle) offset = offset - 1 if vehicle ~= 0 then break end end local distance = Vdist2(coordFrom, GetEntityCoords(vehicle)) if distance > 3000 then vehicle = nil end return vehicle ~= nil and vehicle or 0 end local showGasStations = false RegisterNetEvent('CarPlayerHud:ToggleGas') AddEventHandler('CarPlayerHud:ToggleGas', function() showGasStations = not showGasStations for _, item in pairs(gasStations) do if not showGasStations then if item.blip ~= nil then RemoveBlip(item.blip) end else item.blip = AddBlipForCoord(item[1], item[2], item[3]) SetBlipSprite(item.blip, 361) SetBlipScale(item.blip, 0.7) SetBlipAsShortRange(item.blip, true) BeginTextCommandSetBlipName("STRING") AddTextComponentString("Gas") EndTextCommandSetBlipName(item.blip) end end end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() showGasStations = true TriggerEvent('CarPlayerHud:ToggleGas') end) function DisplayHelpText(str) SetTextComponentFormat("STRING") AddTextComponentString(str) DisplayHelpTextFromStringLabel(0, 0, 1, -1) end function TargetVehicle() playerped = PlayerPedId() coordA = GetEntityCoords(playerped, 1) coordB = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(playerped, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0) targetVehicle = getVehicleInDirection(coordA, coordB) return targetVehicle end function IsNearGasStations() local location = {} local hasFound = false local pos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), false) for k,v in ipairs(gasStations) do if(Vdist(v[1], v[2], v[3], pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) < 22.0)then location = {v[1], v[2], v[3],v[4]} hasFound = true end end if hasFound then return location,true end return {},false end RegisterNetEvent("RefuelCar") AddEventHandler("RefuelCar",function() local w = `WEAPON_PetrolCan` local curw = GetSelectedPedWeapon(PlayerPedId()) if curw == w then coordA = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), 1) coordB = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(PlayerPedId(), 0.0, 100.0, 0.0) targetVehicle = getVehicleInDirection(coordA, coordB) if DoesEntityExist(targetVehicle) then SetPedAmmo( PlayerPedId(), GetSelectedPedWeapon(PlayerPedId()), 0 ) if DecorExistOn(targetVehicle, "CurrentFuel") then curFuel = DecorGetInt(targetVehicle, "CurrentFuel") curFuel = curFuel + 30 if curFuel > 100 then curFuel = 100 end DecorSetInt(targetVehicle, "CurrentFuel", curFuel) else DecorSetInt(targetVehicle, "CurrentFuel", 50) end DecorSetInt(targetVehicle, "CurrentFuel", 100) TriggerEvent("notification","Refueled",1) else TriggerEvent("notification","No Target",2) end else TriggerEvent("notification","Need a Gas Can",2) end end) RegisterNetEvent("RefuelCarServerReturn") AddEventHandler("RefuelCarServerReturn",function() local timer = (100 - curFuel) * 400 refillVehicle() local finished = exports["taskbar"]:taskBar(timer,"Refueling") local veh = TargetVehicle() if finished == 100 then DecorSetInt(veh, "CurrentFuel", 100) else local curFuel = DecorGetInt(veh, "CurrentFuel") local endFuel = (100 - curFuel) endFuel = math.ceil(endFuel * (finished / 100) + curFuel) DecorSetInt(veh, "CurrentFuel", endFuel) end endanimation() TriggerEvent('notification', 'You paid $' .. round(costs) .. ' for your fuel') end) local petrolCan = {title = "Petrol Can", name = "PetrolCan", costs = 100, description = {}, model = "WEAPON_PetrolCan"} function refillVehicle() ClearPedSecondaryTask(PlayerPedId()) loadAnimDict( "weapon@w_sp_jerrycan" ) TaskPlayAnim( PlayerPedId(), "weapon@w_sp_jerrycan", "fire", 8.0, 1.0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) end function endanimation() shiftheld = false ctrlheld = false tabheld = false ClearPedTasksImmediately(PlayerPedId()) end function loadAnimDict( dict ) while ( not HasAnimDictLoaded( dict ) ) do RequestAnimDict( dict ) Citizen.Wait( 5 ) end end function TargetVehicle() playerped = PlayerPedId() coordA = GetEntityCoords(playerped, 1) coordB = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(playerped, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0) targetVehicle = getVehicleInDirection(coordA, coordB) return targetVehicle end function round( n ) return math.floor( n + 0.5 ) end Fuel = 45 DrivingSet = false LastVehicle = nil lastupdate = 0 local fuelMulti = 0 RegisterNetEvent("carHud:FuelMulti") AddEventHandler("carHud:FuelMulti",function(multi) fuelMulti = multi end) alarmset = false RegisterNetEvent("CarFuelAlarm") AddEventHandler("CarFuelAlarm",function() if not alarmset then alarmset = true local i = 5 TriggerEvent("notification", "Benzin Az.",1) while i > 0 do PlaySound(-1, "5_SEC_WARNING", "HUD_MINI_GAME_SOUNDSET", 0, 0, 1) i = i - 1 Citizen.Wait(300) end Citizen.Wait(60000) alarmset = false end end) function drawTxt(x,y ,width,height,scale, text, r,g,b,a) SetTextFont(4) SetTextProportional(0) SetTextScale(scale, scale) SetTextColour(r, g, b, a) SetTextDropShadow(0, 0, 0, 0,255) SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 255) SetTextDropShadow() SetTextOutline() SetTextEntry("STRING") AddTextComponentString(text) DrawText(x - width/2, y - height/2 + 0.005) end -- CONFIG -- local showCompass = true -- CODE -- local compass = "GPS Yükleniyor." local lastStreet = nil local lastStreetName = "" local zone = "Unknown"; function playerLocation() return lastStreetName end function playerZone() return zone end -- Thanks @marxy function getCardinalDirectionFromHeading(heading) if heading >= 315 or heading < 45 then return "North Bound" elseif heading >= 45 and heading < 135 then return "West Bound" elseif heading >=135 and heading < 225 then return "South Bound" elseif heading >= 225 and heading < 315 then return "East Bound" end end local seatbelt = false RegisterNetEvent("seatbelt") AddEventHandler("seatbelt", function(belt) seatbelt = belt end) local nos = 0 local nosEnabled = false RegisterNetEvent("noshud") AddEventHandler("noshud", function(_nos, _nosEnabled) if _nos == nil then nos = 0 else nos = _nos end nosEnabled = _nosEnabled end) RegisterNetEvent("np-jobmanager:playerBecameJob") AddEventHandler("np-jobmanager:playerBecameJob", function(job, name) if job ~= "police" then isCop = false else isCop = true end end) local time = "12:00" RegisterNetEvent("timeheader2") AddEventHandler("timeheader2", function(h,m) if h < 10 then h = "0"..h end if m < 10 then m = "0"..m end time = h .. ":" .. m end) local counter = 0 local Mph = GetEntitySpeed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), false)) * 3.6 -- local uiopen = false local colorblind = false local compass_on = false RegisterNetEvent('option:colorblind') AddEventHandler('option:colorblind',function() colorblind = not colorblind end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), true)) local currentStreetHash, intersectStreetHash = GetStreetNameAtCoord(x, y, z, currentStreetHash, intersectStreetHash) currentStreetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(currentStreetHash) intersectStreetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(intersectStreetHash) zone = tostring(GetNameOfZone(x, y, z)) local area = GetLabelText(zone) playerStreetsLocation = area if not zone then zone = "UNKNOWN" end if intersectStreetName ~= nil and intersectStreetName ~= "" then playerStreetsLocation = currentStreetName .. " | " .. intersectStreetName .. " | [" .. area .. "]" elseif currentStreetName ~= nil and currentStreetName ~= "" then playerStreetsLocation = currentStreetName .. " | [" .. area .. "]" else playerStreetsLocation = "[" .. area .. "]" end while true do Citizen.Wait(500) local player = PlayerPedId() local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(player, true)) local currentStreetHash, intersectStreetHash = GetStreetNameAtCoord(x, y, z, currentStreetHash, intersectStreetHash) currentStreetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(currentStreetHash) intersectStreetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(intersectStreetHash) zone = tostring(GetNameOfZone(x, y, z)) local area = GetLabelText(zone) playerStreetsLocation = area if not zone then zone = "UNKNOWN" end if intersectStreetName ~= nil and intersectStreetName ~= "" then playerStreetsLocation = currentStreetName .. " | " .. intersectStreetName .. " | [" .. area .. "]" elseif currentStreetName ~= nil and currentStreetName ~= "" then playerStreetsLocation = currentStreetName .. " | [" .. area .. "]" else playerStreetsLocation = "[".. area .. "]" end -- compass = getCardinalDirectionFromHeading(math.floor(GetEntityHeading(player) + 0.5)) -- street = compass .. " | " .. playerStreetsLocation street = playerStreetsLocation local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false) if IsVehicleEngineOn(veh) then if not uiopen then uiopen = true SendNUIMessage({ open = 1, }) end Mph = math.ceil(GetEntitySpeed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false)) * 3.6) -- Elleme arttırırsan aracın 100le gitse bile 200 olarak gösterir local hours = GetClockHours() if string.len(tostring(hours)) == 1 then trash = '0'..hours else trash = hours end local mins = GetClockMinutes() if string.len(tostring(mins)) == 1 then mins = '0'..mins else mins = mins end local atl = false if IsPedInAnyPlane(player) or IsPedInAnyHeli(player) then atl = string.format("%.1f", GetEntityHeightAboveGround(veh) * 3.28084) end local engine = false if GetVehicleEngineHealth(veh) < 400.0 then engine = true end local GasTank = false if GetVehiclePetrolTankHealth(veh) < 3002.0 then GasTank = true end SendNUIMessage({ open = 2, mph = Mph, fuel = math.ceil(Fuel), street = street, belt = seatbelt, nos = nos, nosEnabled = nosEnabled, time = hours .. ':' .. mins, colorblind = colorblind, atl = atl, engine = engine, GasTank = GasTank, }) else if uiopen and not compass_on then SendNUIMessage({ open = 3, }) uiopen = false end end end end) local seatbelt = false Citizen.CreateThread(function() local currSpeed = 0 local prevVelocity = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0 } while true do Citizen.Wait(0) local prevSpeed = currSpeed local position = GetEntityCoords(player) currSpeed = GetEntitySpeed(veh) if not seatbelt then local vehIsMovingFwd = GetEntitySpeedVector(veh, true).y > 1.0 local vehAcc = (prevSpeed - currSpeed) / GetFrameTime() if (vehIsMovingFwd and (prevSpeed > seatbeltEjectSpeed) and (vehAcc > (seatbeltEjectAccel * 9.81))) then SetEntityCoords(player, position.x, position.y, position.z - 0.47, true, true, true) SetEntityVelocity(player, prevVelocity.x, prevVelocity.y, prevVelocity.z) Citizen.Wait(1) SetPedToRagdoll(player, 1000, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0) else prevVelocity = GetEntityVelocity(veh) end else DisableControlAction(0, 75) end end end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(0) if IsControlJustReleased(0, 311) and IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId()) then if seatbelt == false then TriggerEvent("seatbelt",true) TriggerEvent("InteractSound_CL:PlayOnOne","buckle",0.5) TriggerEvent('mythic_notify:client:SendAlert', { type = 'inform', text = 'Kemer takıldı'}) else TriggerEvent("seatbelt",false) TriggerEvent("InteractSound_CL:PlayOnOne","unbuckle",0.5) TriggerEvent('mythic_notify:client:SendAlert', { type = 'inform', text = 'Kemer çıkarıldı'}) end seatbelt = not seatbelt end end end) RegisterNetEvent('carHud:compass') AddEventHandler('carHud:compass', function(table) compass_on = true end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(50) local player = PlayerPedId() if IsVehicleEngineOn(GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false)) then -- in vehicle SendNUIMessage({ open = 2, direction = math.floor(calcHeading(-GetEntityHeading(player) % 360)), }) elseif compass_on == true then -- has compass toggled if not uiopen then uiopen = true SendNUIMessage({ open = 1, }) end local hours = GetClockHours() if string.len(tostring(hours)) == 1 then trash = '0'..hours else trash = hours end local mins = GetClockMinutes() if string.len(tostring(mins)) == 1 then mins = '0'..mins else mins = mins end SendNUIMessage({ open = 4, time = hours .. ':' .. mins, direction = math.floor(calcHeading(-GetEntityHeading(player) % 360)), }) else Citizen.Wait(1000) end end end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(250) local player = PlayerPedId() if (IsPedInAnyVehicle(player, false)) then local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(player,false) if GetPedInVehicleSeat(veh, -1) == player then if not DrivingSet then if LastVehicle ~= veh then if not DecorExistOn(veh, "CurrentFuel") then Fuel = math.random(80,100) else Fuel = DecorGetInt(veh, "CurrentFuel") end else Fuel = DecorGetInt(veh, "CurrentFuel") end DrivingSet = true LastVehicle = veh lastupdate = 0 if not DecorExistOn(veh, "CurrentFuel") then Fuel = math.random(80,100) DecorSetInt(veh, "CurrentFuel", round(Fuel)) end else if Fuel > 105 then Fuel = DecorGetInt(veh, "CurrentFuel") end if Fuel == 101 then Fuel = DecorGetInt(veh, "CurrentFuel") end end if ( lastupdate > 300) then DecorSetInt(veh, "CurrentFuel", round(Fuel)) lasteupdate = 0 end lastupdate = lastupdate + 1 if Fuel > 0 then if IsVehicleEngineOn(veh) then local fueltankhealth = GetVehiclePetrolTankHealth(veh) if fueltankhealth == 1000.0 then SetVehiclePetrolTankHealth(veh, 4000.0) end local algofuel = GetEntitySpeed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false)) * 3.6 if algofuel > 160 then algofuel = algofuel * 1.8 else algofuel = algofuel / 2.0 end algofuel = algofuel / 15000 if algofuel == 0 then algofuel = 0.0001 end --TriggerEvent('chatMessage', '', { 0, 0, 0 }, '' .. algofuel .. '') if IsPedInAnyBoat(PlayerPedId()) then algofuel = 0.0090 end if fuelMulti == 0 then fuelMulti = 1 end local missingTankHealth = (4000 - fueltankhealth) / 1000 if missingTankHealth > 1 then missingTankHealth = missingTankHealth * (missingTankHealth * missingTankHealth * 12) end local factorFuel = (algofuel + fuelMulti / 10000) * (missingTankHealth+1) Fuel = Fuel - factorFuel end end if Fuel <= 4 and Fuel > 0 then if not IsThisModelABike(GetEntityModel(veh)) then local decayChance = math.random(20,100) if decayChance > 90 then SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,0,0,1) SetVehicleUndriveable(veh,true) Citizen.Wait(100) SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,1,0,1) SetVehicleUndriveable(veh,false) end end end if Fuel < 15 then if not IsThisModelABike(GetEntityModel(veh)) then TriggerEvent("CarFuelAlarm") end end if Fuel < 1 then if Fuel ~= 0 then Fuel = 0 DecorSetInt(veh, "CurrentFuel", round(Fuel)) end if IsVehicleEngineOn(veh) or IsThisModelAHeli(GetEntityModel(veh)) then SetVehicleEngineOn(veh,0,0,1) SetVehicleUndriveable(veh,false) end end end else if DrivingSet then DrivingSet = false DecorSetInt(LastVehicle, "CurrentFuel", round(Fuel)) end Citizen.Wait(1500) end end end) Controlkey = {["generalUse"] = {38,"E"}} RegisterNetEvent('event:control:update') AddEventHandler('event:control:update', function(table) Controlkey["generalUse"] = table["generalUse"] end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() local bool = false local counter = 0 while true do if counter == 0 then loc,bool = IsNearGasStations() counter = 5 end counter = counter - 1 if bool == true then local veh = TargetVehicle() if DoesEntityExist(veh) and IsEntityAVehicle(veh) and #(GetEntityCoords(veh) - GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())) < 5.0 then curFuel = DecorGetInt(veh, "CurrentFuel") costs = (100 - curFuel) if costs < 0 then costs = 0 end info = string.format("Press ~g~"..Controlkey["generalUse"][2].."~s~ to refuel your vehicle | ~g~$%s + tax", costs) local crd = GetEntityCoords(veh) DrawMarker(2,crd["x"],crd["y"],crd["z"]+1.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100, 15, 15, 130, 0, 0, 0, 0) DisplayHelpText(info) if IsControlJustPressed(1, Controlkey["generalUse"][1]) then if curFuel >= 100 then PlaySound(-1, "5_Second_Timer", "DLC_HEISTS_GENERAL_FRONTEND_SOUNDS", 0, 0, 1) TriggerEvent('notification', "Your gas tank is full", 2) else costs = math.ceil(costs) TriggerServerEvent("carfill:checkmoney",costs,loc) end end end Citizen.Wait(1) else Citizen.Wait(500) end end end) --------------------------------- -- Compass shit --------------------------------- --[[ Heavy Math Calcs ]]-- local imageWidth = 100 -- leave this variable, related to pixel size of the directions local containerWidth = 100 -- width of the image container -- local width = (imageWidth / containerWidth) * 100; -- used to convert image width if changed local width = 0; local south = (-imageWidth) + width local west = (-imageWidth * 2) + width local north = (-imageWidth * 3) + width local east = (-imageWidth * 4) + width local south2 = (-imageWidth * 5) + width function calcHeading(direction) if (direction < 90) then return lerp(north, east, direction / 90) elseif (direction < 180) then return lerp(east, south2, rangePercent(90, 180, direction)) elseif (direction < 270) then return lerp(south, west, rangePercent(180, 270, direction)) elseif (direction <= 360) then return lerp(west, north, rangePercent(270, 360, direction)) end end function rangePercent(min, max, amt) return (((amt - min) * 100) / (max - min)) / 100 end function lerp(min, max, amt) return (1 - amt) * min + amt * max end
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