Arkadaşlar disc-inventoryhud kullanıyordum bir sürü sıkıntısı olduğu için esx'e geçtim fakat bu seferde her şey tamam f2 den menüyü açamıyorum. glovebox, trunkta ve market gibi yerlerde açılıyor sorun yok ama f2 ye basınca açılmıyor. es_extended'da client\main.lua'yı
-- Menu interactions
while true do
if IsControlJustReleased(0, Keys['F2']) and IsInputDisabled(0) and not isDead and not ESX.UI.Menu.IsOpen('default', 'es_extended', 'inventory') then
böylede denedim tam tersinide denedim yine olmadı.
esx_inventoryhud config;
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'nl'
Config.IncludeCash = true -- DONT TOUCH!
Config.IncludeWeapons = true -- TRUE or FALSE
Config.IncludeAccounts = true -- TRUE or FALSE
Config.ExcludeAccountsList = {"bank", "money"} -- DONT TOUCH!
Config.OpenControl = 289 -- Key for opening inventory. Edit html/js/config.js to change key for closing it.
-- List of item names that will close ui when used
Config.CloseUiItems = {"phone", "weed_seed", "tunerchip", "fixkit", "medikit"}
Config.ShopBlipID = 52
Config.LiquorBlipID = 93
Config.YouToolBlipID = 402
Config.PrisonShopBlipID = 52
Config.WeedStoreBlipID = 140
Config.WeaponShopBlipID = 110
Config.ShopLength = 14
Config.LiquorLength = 10
Config.YouToolLength = 2
Config.PrisonShopLength = 2
Config.MarkerSize = {x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.5}
Config.MarkerColor = {r = 0, g = 128, b = 255}
Config.Color = 2
Config.WeaponColor = 1
Config.WeaponLicence = {x = 12.47, y = -1105.5, z = 29.8}
Config.LicensePrice = 5000
Config.Shops = {
RegularShop = {
Locations = {
{x = 373.875, y = 325.896, z = 102.566},
{x = 2557.458, y = 382.282, z = 107.622},
{x = -3038.939, y = 585.954, z = 6.908},
{x = -3241.927, y = 1001.462, z = 11.830},
{x = 547.431, y = 2671.710, z = 41.156},
{x = 1961.464, y = 3740.672, z = 31.343},
{x = 2678.916, y = 3280.671, z = 54.241},
{x = 1729.216, y = 6414.131, z = 34.037},
{x = -48.519, y = -1757.514, z = 28.421},
{x = 1163.373, y = -323.801, z = 68.205},
{x = -707.501, y = -914.260, z = 18.215},
{x = -1820.523, y = 792.518, z = 137.118},
{x = 1698.388, y = 4924.404, z = 41.063},
{x = 25.723, y = -1346.966, z = 28.497},
Items = {
{name = 'bread'},
{name = 'water'},
{name = 'cigarette'},
{name = 'lighter'},
{name = 'rollingpaper'},
{name = 'phone'},
{name = 'sandwich'},
{name = 'hamburger'},
{name = 'cupcake'},
{name = 'chips'},
{name = 'pistachio'},
{name = 'chocolate'},
{name = 'cashew'},
{name = 'cocacola'},
{name = 'drpepper'},
{name = 'energy'},
{name = 'lemonade'},
{name = 'icetea'}
RobsLiquor = {
Locations = {
{x = 1135.808, y = -982.281, z = 45.415},
{x = -1222.915, y = -906.983, z = 11.326},
{x = -1487.553, y = -379.107, z = 39.163},
{x = -2968.243, y = 390.910, z = 14.043},
{x = 1166.024, y = 2708.930, z = 37.157},
{x = 1392.562, y = 3604.684, z = 33.980},
{x = -1393.409, y = -606.624, z = 29.319}
Items = {
{name = 'beer'},
{name = 'wine'},
{name = 'vodka'},
{name = 'tequila'},
{name = 'whisky'},
{name = 'grand_cru'}
YouTool = {
Locations = {
{x = 2748.0, y = 3473.0, z = 55.68},
Items = {
{name = 'drill'},
{name = 'binocular'},
{name = 'fixkit'},
{name = 'gps'},
{name = 'lockpick'},
{name = 'scubagear'},
{name = 'blowtorch'},
{name = '1gbag'},
{name = '5gbag'},
{name = '50gbag'},
{name = '100gbag'},
{name = 'lowgradefert'},
{name = 'highgradefert'},
{name = 'plantpot'},
{name = 'drugscales'}
PrisonShop = {
Locations = {
{x = 1728.41, y = 2584.31, z = 45.84},
Items = {
{name = 'bread'},
{name = 'water'},
{name = 'cigarette'},
{name = 'lighter'},
{name = 'sandwich'},
{name = 'chips'}
WeaponShop = {
Locations = {
{ x = -662.180, y = -934.961, z = 20.829 },
{ x = 810.25, y = -2157.60, z = 28.62 },
{ x = 1693.44, y = 3760.16, z = 33.71 },
{ x = -330.24, y = 6083.88, z = 30.45 },
{ x = 252.63, y = -50.00, z = 68.94 },
{ x = 22.09, y = -1107.28, z = 28.80 },
{ x = 2567.69, y = 294.38, z = 107.73 },
{ x = -1117.58, y = 2698.61, z = 17.55 },
{ x = 842.44, y = -1033.42, z = 27.19 },
Weapons = {
{name = "WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT", ammo = 1},
{name = "WEAPON_STUNGUN", ammo = 1},
{name = "WEAPON_KNIFE", ammo = 1},
{name = "WEAPON_BAT", ammo = 1},
{name = "WEAPON_PISTOL", ammo = 45},
{name = "WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN", ammo = 25}
Ammo = {
{name = "9mm_rounds", weaponhash = "WEAPON_PISTOL", ammo = 24},
{name = "shotgun_shells", weaponhash = "WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN", ammo = 12}
Items = {
LicenseShop = {
Locations = {
{ x = 12.47, y = -1105.5, z = 29.8}
-- Menu interactions
while true do
if IsControlJustReleased(0, Keys['F2']) and IsInputDisabled(0) and not isDead and not ESX.UI.Menu.IsOpen('default', 'es_extended', 'inventory') then
böylede denedim tam tersinide denedim yine olmadı.
esx_inventoryhud config;
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'nl'
Config.IncludeCash = true -- DONT TOUCH!
Config.IncludeWeapons = true -- TRUE or FALSE
Config.IncludeAccounts = true -- TRUE or FALSE
Config.ExcludeAccountsList = {"bank", "money"} -- DONT TOUCH!
Config.OpenControl = 289 -- Key for opening inventory. Edit html/js/config.js to change key for closing it.
-- List of item names that will close ui when used
Config.CloseUiItems = {"phone", "weed_seed", "tunerchip", "fixkit", "medikit"}
Config.ShopBlipID = 52
Config.LiquorBlipID = 93
Config.YouToolBlipID = 402
Config.PrisonShopBlipID = 52
Config.WeedStoreBlipID = 140
Config.WeaponShopBlipID = 110
Config.ShopLength = 14
Config.LiquorLength = 10
Config.YouToolLength = 2
Config.PrisonShopLength = 2
Config.MarkerSize = {x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.5}
Config.MarkerColor = {r = 0, g = 128, b = 255}
Config.Color = 2
Config.WeaponColor = 1
Config.WeaponLicence = {x = 12.47, y = -1105.5, z = 29.8}
Config.LicensePrice = 5000
Config.Shops = {
RegularShop = {
Locations = {
{x = 373.875, y = 325.896, z = 102.566},
{x = 2557.458, y = 382.282, z = 107.622},
{x = -3038.939, y = 585.954, z = 6.908},
{x = -3241.927, y = 1001.462, z = 11.830},
{x = 547.431, y = 2671.710, z = 41.156},
{x = 1961.464, y = 3740.672, z = 31.343},
{x = 2678.916, y = 3280.671, z = 54.241},
{x = 1729.216, y = 6414.131, z = 34.037},
{x = -48.519, y = -1757.514, z = 28.421},
{x = 1163.373, y = -323.801, z = 68.205},
{x = -707.501, y = -914.260, z = 18.215},
{x = -1820.523, y = 792.518, z = 137.118},
{x = 1698.388, y = 4924.404, z = 41.063},
{x = 25.723, y = -1346.966, z = 28.497},
Items = {
{name = 'bread'},
{name = 'water'},
{name = 'cigarette'},
{name = 'lighter'},
{name = 'rollingpaper'},
{name = 'phone'},
{name = 'sandwich'},
{name = 'hamburger'},
{name = 'cupcake'},
{name = 'chips'},
{name = 'pistachio'},
{name = 'chocolate'},
{name = 'cashew'},
{name = 'cocacola'},
{name = 'drpepper'},
{name = 'energy'},
{name = 'lemonade'},
{name = 'icetea'}
RobsLiquor = {
Locations = {
{x = 1135.808, y = -982.281, z = 45.415},
{x = -1222.915, y = -906.983, z = 11.326},
{x = -1487.553, y = -379.107, z = 39.163},
{x = -2968.243, y = 390.910, z = 14.043},
{x = 1166.024, y = 2708.930, z = 37.157},
{x = 1392.562, y = 3604.684, z = 33.980},
{x = -1393.409, y = -606.624, z = 29.319}
Items = {
{name = 'beer'},
{name = 'wine'},
{name = 'vodka'},
{name = 'tequila'},
{name = 'whisky'},
{name = 'grand_cru'}
YouTool = {
Locations = {
{x = 2748.0, y = 3473.0, z = 55.68},
Items = {
{name = 'drill'},
{name = 'binocular'},
{name = 'fixkit'},
{name = 'gps'},
{name = 'lockpick'},
{name = 'scubagear'},
{name = 'blowtorch'},
{name = '1gbag'},
{name = '5gbag'},
{name = '50gbag'},
{name = '100gbag'},
{name = 'lowgradefert'},
{name = 'highgradefert'},
{name = 'plantpot'},
{name = 'drugscales'}
PrisonShop = {
Locations = {
{x = 1728.41, y = 2584.31, z = 45.84},
Items = {
{name = 'bread'},
{name = 'water'},
{name = 'cigarette'},
{name = 'lighter'},
{name = 'sandwich'},
{name = 'chips'}
WeaponShop = {
Locations = {
{ x = -662.180, y = -934.961, z = 20.829 },
{ x = 810.25, y = -2157.60, z = 28.62 },
{ x = 1693.44, y = 3760.16, z = 33.71 },
{ x = -330.24, y = 6083.88, z = 30.45 },
{ x = 252.63, y = -50.00, z = 68.94 },
{ x = 22.09, y = -1107.28, z = 28.80 },
{ x = 2567.69, y = 294.38, z = 107.73 },
{ x = -1117.58, y = 2698.61, z = 17.55 },
{ x = 842.44, y = -1033.42, z = 27.19 },
Weapons = {
{name = "WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT", ammo = 1},
{name = "WEAPON_STUNGUN", ammo = 1},
{name = "WEAPON_KNIFE", ammo = 1},
{name = "WEAPON_BAT", ammo = 1},
{name = "WEAPON_PISTOL", ammo = 45},
{name = "WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN", ammo = 25}
Ammo = {
{name = "9mm_rounds", weaponhash = "WEAPON_PISTOL", ammo = 24},
{name = "shotgun_shells", weaponhash = "WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN", ammo = 12}
Items = {
LicenseShop = {
Locations = {
{ x = 12.47, y = -1105.5, z = 29.8}