Config = {}
--Decor in which vehicle fuel is stored in, do not touch if you don't know what your doing!
Config.FuelDecor = "_Fuel_Level"
-- What should the price of jerry cans be?
Config.JerryCanCost = 100
-- What keys are disabled while you're fueling.
Config.DisableKeys = {0, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, 37, 44, 56, 82, 140, 166, 167, 168, 170, 288, 289, 311, 323}
-- Modify the fuel-cost here, using a multiplier value. Setting the value to 2.0 would cause a doubled increase.
Config.CostMultiplier = 1.5
-- Configure the strings as you wish here.
Config.Strings = {
CancelFuelingPump = "Yakıt doldurmayı iptal etmek için ~b~E ~w~ basın",
CancelFuelingJerryCan = "Yakıt doldurmayı iptal etmek için ~b~E ~w~ basın",
CancelSiphoningFuel = "Yakıt çekmeyi iptal etmek için ~b~E ~w~ basın",
-- Blacklist certain vehicles. Use names or hashes.
Config.Blacklist = {
-- Do you want the HUD removed from showing in blacklisted vehicles?
Config.RemoveHUDForBlacklistedVehicle = true
-- Fuel Station Blips
Config.Blips = false -- set false to disable blips
Config.BlipSpirte = 361
Config.BlipColor = 37
Config.BlipSize = 0.5
Config.BlipLabel = "Benzinlik"
Config.FuelStations = { --Add any additional, missing or custom fuel stations here
vector3(621.05, 269.09, 102.93),
vector3(1181.1, -330.58, 69.51),
vector3(819.14, -1028.9, 26.44),
vector3(1208.29, -1401.87, 35.23),
vector3(174.3, -1561.75, 28.39),
vector3(264.3, -1261.57, 29.77),
vector3(-70.15, -1762.1, 29.56),
vector3(-524.17, -1210.58, 18.68),
vector3(-724.05, -935.7, 19.72),
vector3(-1436.29, -276.87, 46.09),
vector3(-2097.08, -318.81, 13.98),
vector3(-1799.9, 802.85, 138.88),
vector3(2580.94, 361.59, 108.4),
vector3(1207.64, 2660.44, 37.82),
vector3(1040.36, 2671.2, 39.71),
vector3(263.88, 2606.94, 45.01),
vector3(2005.46, 3774.62, 31.98),
vector3(1785.16, 3331.04, 41.38),
vector3(2679.52, 3264.05, 55.14),
vector3(1687.49, 4929.92, 42.42),
vector3(1702.49, 6416.16, 32.82),
vector3(180.2, 6602.7, 31.66),
vector3(-94.6, 6419.65, 31.58),
vector3(-2555.02, 2334.03, 32.92),
vector3(49.18, 2779.13, 58.1),
-- Class multipliers. If you want SUVs to use less fuel, you can change it to anything under 1.0, and vise versa.
Config.Classes = {
[0] = 1.0, -- Compacts
[1] = 1.0, -- Sedans
[2] = 1.0, -- SUVs
[3] = 1.0, -- Coupes
[4] = 1.0, -- Muscle
[5] = 1.0, -- Sports Classics
[6] = 1.0, -- Sports
[7] = 1.0, -- Super
[8] = 1.0, -- Motorcycles
[9] = 1.0, -- Off-road
[10] = 1.0, -- Industrial
[11] = 1.0, -- Utility
[12] = 1.0, -- Vans
[13] = 0.0, -- Cycles
[14] = 1.0, -- Boats
[15] = 1.0, -- Helicopters
[16] = 1.0, -- Planes
[17] = 1.0, -- Service
[18] = 1.0, -- Emergency
[19] = 1.0, -- Military
[20] = 1.0, -- Commercial
[21] = 1.0, -- Trains
-- The left part is at percentage RPM, and the right is how much fuel (divided by 10) you want to remove from the tank every second
Config.FuelUsage = {
[1.0] = 2.5,
[0.9] = 2.4,
[0.8] = 1.0,
[0.7] = 0.9,
[0.6] = 0.8,
[0.5] = 0.7,
[0.4] = 0.5,
[0.3] = 0.4,
[0.2] = 0.2,
[0.1] = 0.1,
[0.0] = 0.0,
Config.GasPumpModels = {
--Fueling rates, higher numbers = faster fueling
--The rate at which fuel can be siphoned from a tank
Config.SiphonRate = 0.25
--The rate at which a petrol can will refuel a car
Config.PetrolCanRefuelRate = 0.50
--The rate at which a pump will refuel a car
Config.PetrolPumpRefuelRate = 0.75
--Controls whether or not the vehicle will blow up if a refuel is attempted with engine on
Config.VehicleEngineOnBlowUp = false
--Percentage chance that the vehicle will blow up if a refuel is attempted with engine on
Config.VehicleBlowUpChance = 25
--Allows people to siphon fuel from other vehicles into their petrol cans
Config.AllowFuelSiphoning = false
--Allows people to refuel their cars with a petrol can that has fuel in it
Config.AllowPetrolCanRefuelCar = false
--The bones that can be targeted to attempt to siphon fuel from the vehicle
Config.SiphonBones = {
Config.PetrolCanRefuelBones = {
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